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8 Oct 2019, 10:08 pm
R. [read post]
9 Feb 2015, 8:49 am
Ex ante and ex post. [read post]
Court concludes that “common slang” does not violate non-disparagement clause in severance agreement
27 Oct 2010, 6:15 am
[T]he slang expression is such a part of modern casual speech as to be almost meaningless. [read post]
20 Oct 2010, 3:54 pm
In sum, we sustain the Family Part’s determinations in all respects, substantially for the reasons set forth in Judge Katherine R. [read post]
20 Jun 2009, 10:48 pm
La proposition de loi relative à l'exécution des décisions de justice et aux conditions d'exercice de certaines professions réglementées a été adoptée en 1ère lecture par le Sénat le 11… [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 2:33 pm
Should those with a record be a part of that class? [read post]
2 Nov 2010, 10:26 am
Details: Ex parte Three-Dimensional Media Group Appeal 2009004087, Reexam. [read post]
24 Nov 2009, 8:54 am
It's a legal job, albeit part-time. [read post]
5 Oct 2018, 1:00 am
Si l'accord du titulaire est obtenu pendant la procédure orale, il n'est pas nécessaire d'obtenir une nouvelle fois, "conformément aux dispositions du règlement d'exécution", l'accord du titulaire du brevet, présenté comme absolument obligatoire à l'article 113(2) CBE, alors que cet accord a déjà été donné (voir G 1/88, point 5.2.3).2.4 La… [read post]
26 Oct 2009, 7:04 pm
In this case, the ex-husband appealed, in part, from the trial court's Order that imputed income to him as well as objecting to the way in which the trial judge reached the imputed income number. [read post]
16 Nov 2006, 6:43 am
Garton, R-Columbus. [read post]
14 Apr 2011, 6:34 am
Yesterday's blog post (here) discussed Ex parte Parker, in which the BPAI affirmed an obviousness rejection for an introducer sheath (a medical device used in angioplasty). [read post]
17 Oct 2010, 7:30 pm
" As only an ex-cop (Kevin's the New York State Police official who first pursued the SAR that brought down Eliot Spitzer) and fellow Irish Catholic boy can, he puts that kerfuffle in proper perspective. [read post]
14 Mar 2010, 2:51 pm
I'm not sure the vacated Ex parte Lancefield case is fixable by a minor amendment. [read post]
30 Jul 2012, 8:41 am
According to ex-Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Harvey Pitt, another financial crisis could happen before the end of the year and still the government isn’t more ready to deal with it than the last one. [read post]
5 Oct 2009, 10:00 pm
R. [read post]
19 Apr 2021, 1:29 am
Furthermore, the patentee argued, the case law permitting a Board of Appeal to cite their own CGK without evidence related to Inter partes and not ex partes proceedings (I-C-2.8.5). [read post]
17 Jul 2011, 8:30 am
" Details: Ex parte Greve Appeal 2010002433; Appl. [read post]
14 Oct 2011, 12:25 pm
(Orin Kerr) My co-blogger David Post has authored several passionate posts harshly criticizing the federal government’s recent practice of seizing domain names pursuant to ex parte court orders based on probable cause. [read post]
15 Sep 2016, 4:05 pm
Now that the ex parte provision is expressly in the legislation, it was commented that this may give federal judges more comfort in ordering ex parte relief. [read post]