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9 Aug 2012, 5:00 am by Bexis
With Bexis and McConnell now at Reed Smith, we’ve gained access to Reed’s database on the ubiquitous plaintiffs’ expert Dr. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 6:52 am by Bexis
PARISIAN TRANSCRIPTS 2.0 We had a number of people send us material after our first post with out list of deposition transcripts (and various other items) concerning the testimony of the extremely active plaintiffs’ side expert, Dr. [read post]
28 Jun 2016, 2:37 pm by Howard Knopf
The ALAI symposium on the Copyright Board of Canada – Which Way Ahead took place on May 25, 2016 in Ottawa. [read post]
3 Aug 2021, 2:22 pm by Howard Knopf
  “Veni, vidi, vici”: Julius Caesar, 47 BC The more than ten-year-old effort by Access Copyright (“AC”) to impose a “mandatory tariff” through the Copyright Board on Canadian educational institutions is over in a quick, decisive, and devastating unanimous judgment from Justice Rosalie Abellaof the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”). 85 years of legislative policy and SCC jurisprudence are re-affirmed, vindicated, and continued. [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 2:14 pm by Roshonda Scipio
(Howard)Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2010.Banks and BankingHG1573 .D49 2010Balancing the banks : global lessons from the financial crisis / Mathias Dewatripont, Jean-Charles Rochet, and Jean Tirole ; translated by Keith Tribe.Dewatripont, M. [read post]
15 Feb 2008, 9:00 am
: (Spicy IP),USD 20 billion going off-patent: (Patent Circle),Canadian Prices Review Board asserts jurisdiction over products sold in US, but imported into Canada under Special Access Program: (Gowlings),Canadian Court of Appeal affirms decision allowing patent-owner to be joined to proceedings: Cobalt v Pfizer and Pharmascience v Pfizer: (Gowlings),PharmaStem appeals stem cell patent: asks for greater deference to patent examiners: PharmaStem … [read post]
2 May 2008, 7:00 am
Here is IP Think Tank’s weekly selection of top intellectual property news breaking in the blogosphere and internet. [read post]
3 Apr 2008, 3:20 pm
Anne Knopf Anne Knopf, 39: Former substitute teacher at Prescott Middle School in Wisconsin was charged Nov. 5, 2007, with sexual assault of a child under 16. [read post]