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3 Dec 2013, 3:04 pm by Patricia McConnico
Adams & Graham was founded in 1958 by John Quincy Adams and Marshall W. [read post]
16 Feb 2019, 9:30 am by Karen Tani
Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. [read post]
10 Apr 2010, 6:00 am by Rick Garnett
This mechanism is, John Courtney Murray thought, “Christianity’s basic contribution to freedom in the political order. [read post]
26 May 2017, 8:21 am by Doorey
 Michael Mitchell is a former partner at the union-side law firm Sack Goldblatt Mitchell, while Justice John Murray represented employers for many years before going to the bench. [read post]
30 Dec 2010, 7:58 am by Gritsforbreakfast
A third of felony prosecutors in the office (8 of 24) resigned immediately, making Murray Newman's complaints of the talent drain at the Harris DA's office seem meager. [read post]
31 May 2012, 7:38 am by Gritsforbreakfast
Murray Newman's reaction summed it up: "My analysis of the election is mostly just a confirmation of what I've always thought. [read post]
17 Jun 2015, 9:24 am by Catherine Coulter
  The special advisors appointed to conduct the review and issue recommendations are Michael Mitchell, a former Toronto partner from employee-side law firm Sack Goldblatt Mitchell, and the Honourable John Murray, a former judge and former a management-side lawyer. [read post]
16 Jan 2015, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
Connecticut, including interesting historical re-framings by Cary Franklin (University of Texas School of Law) and Melissa Murray (UC Berkeley Law). [read post]
28 Nov 2016, 4:36 am by Howard Friedman
Press 2017).Melissa Murray, Obergefell v. [read post]
19 Feb 2016, 9:30 pm by Dan Ernst
Roosevelt Library on March 3, 2016 at 7:00 PM on The Firebrand and the first Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice. [read post]
6 Dec 2013, 11:02 am by Dan Ernst
Other notable figures include Supreme Court Justices Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Benjamin Cardozo, and Lindley Murray, a lawyer best known as "the father of English grammar." [read post]
23 May 2019, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
The book recognizes the role of constitutional outsiders as agents in shaping the law, making figures such as the Whiskey Rebels, Judith Sargent Murray, and James Forten part of a cast of characters that has traditionally been limited to white, male elites such as James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Marshall. [read post]