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6 Jun 2012, 4:51 am by Ray Garcia
Reynolds, Sara Rubin, Bharati Lengade, Melony Moore, Angela L. [read post]
19 Jun 2008, 7:38 am
It echoes very closely the playbook of, among many others, John Roberts in his confirmation hearings for Chief Justice: "Just calling balls and strikes, folks. [read post]
13 Sep 2008, 5:52 am
Dezhbakhsh and Rubin complained about (purported) errors in a paper Wolfers wrote with John Donohue, which in turn had criticized earlier D/R work finding that the death penalty deterred. [read post]
16 Sep 2016, 3:00 am by SOG Staff
  The person in that position works closely with John Rubin and the Indigent Defense Education group. [read post]
16 Sep 2016, 3:00 am by SOG Staff
  The person in that position works closely with John Rubin and the Indigent Defense Education group. [read post]
1 Mar 2018, 7:06 am by John Elwood
John Elwood finally reviews Monday’s relists. [read post]
16 Feb 2025, 9:56 am by Tom Miller
Given the juror’s answers, Justice John Englander wrote for the majority, there was a legitimate concern that the prospective juror “would view the case, not through the lens of the facts presented and the law provided, but through the lens of the race of the defendant and perceived unfairness of the system. [read post]
26 Jun 2007, 10:32 am
" That may have been true in November, but as Johns Hopkins computer scientist Avi Rubin relayed on his blog, that wasn't the case in September. [read post]
12 May 2016, 11:41 am by Jamie Markham
Discussing the law immediately after it passed in 2008, John Rubin wrote (here, on page 3) that placing the responsibility for determining egregious aggravation on the judge—not the jury—was “likely unconstitutional” under Blakely v. [read post]
25 Oct 2006, 5:02 pm
- The Peculiar Divergence of US and UK Takeover Regulation by John Armour & David A. [read post]
16 Nov 2006, 8:51 am
The Peculiar Divergence of US and UK Takeover Regulation by John Armour & David A. [read post]
12 May 2016, 11:41 am by Jamie Markham
Discussing the law immediately after it passed in 2008, John Rubin wrote (here, on page 3) that placing the responsibility for determining egregious aggravation on the judge—not the jury—was “likely unconstitutional” under Blakely v. [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 7:59 am by Raffaela Wakeman
And Alissa Rubin and Graham Bowley note another suicide attack on a NATO base (this time in Jalalabad). [read post]
21 Jun 2017, 11:59 am by dphillips
Professor Rubin, who serves as faculty advisor for the UConn SALDF chapter and teaches animal law, is an expert in the field and was instrumental in creating Desmond’s Law. [read post]
25 Aug 2023, 6:11 am by Neil H. Buchanan
 Heck, he designed and built the road that goes around that bend.)Scarborough and former congressman David Jolly, former Bush II aide Nicolle Wallace, neocons Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot of The Washington Post, and so on have had various degrees of awakening, with some continuing to insist that they are true conservatives (Scarborough is a major debt/deficit scold, for example) while others like Rubin seeming to have simply become liberal in their views. [read post]
28 Dec 2011, 11:50 am by Adrian Lurssen
...McNabb Associates in Asia Times Online - US creates an Iranian albatross ...McNabb Associates in Middle East Research and Information Project - Debunking the Iran "Terror Plot" ...Charles 'Chuck' Rubin in Wealth Strategies Journal - Transfer Taxes Under a Democratic Majority ...Fisher & Phillips LLP in the California Chamber of Commerce Daily Headlines - Human Resource / Health Safety ...Warner Norcorss & Judd in Wealth Strategies Journal - Portable Estate Tax… [read post]
14 Aug 2016, 9:35 pm by Kristin E. Hickman
The Legislation and Regulation textbook by John Manning and Matthew Stephenson presents a very different vision of the first-year course compared to The Regulatory State textbook by Lisa Bressman, Edward Rubin, and Kevin Stack, for example. [read post]