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10 Nov 2013, 11:00 am by Karen Tani
Schoeppner, California Institute of Technology Karen Tani, University of California, BerkeleyCongratulations to the winners! [read post]
11 Sep 2019, 8:00 am by Karen Tani
”  NOVEMBER 26: Daniel Crane, University of Michigan Law School, “Fascism and Monopoly -- Karen Tani [read post]
11 Nov 2022, 9:30 pm by ernst
The transcript of Judith Heumann’s Jefferson Lecture, a conversation with Karen Tani introduced by Christopher Tomlins, on the long fight for disability rights has now been posted.Congratulations to Professor Tamika Nunley (Cornell University): The Journal of Southern History reports that her article "Thrice Condemned: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Practice of Leniency in Antebellum Virginia Courts" has won the (first ever!) [read post]