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3 Aug 2009, 2:39 am
They included:Allen & Overy (250 attorneys and 200 staffers)Alston & Bird (14 attorneys and 38 staffers)Baker & Daniels (5 attorneys and 11 staffers)Baker & McKenzie (38 attorneys and 86 staffers)Brownstein Hyatt (15 attorneys and 22 staffers)Clifford Chance (15 attorneys and 20 staffers)DLA Piper (8 attorneys)Faegre & Benson (15 attorneys)Herbert Smith (33 attorneys and 51 staffers)Hogan & Hartson (93 staffers)Howrey (25 staffers)K&L… [read post]
H-1B, L-1, E-2, O-1 etc.) should be approved since they also need to travel to live in the U.S. with the principal  Their information should be included at the time the principal files the NIE request. [read post]
27 Mar 2022, 4:50 pm by INFORRM
” The journalist and former MP Chris Mullin has successfully resisted an application by West Midlands Police to hand over material that would identify confidential sources relating to his investigations into the 1974 IRA Birmingham pub bombings. [read post]
9 Nov 2011, 5:48 am by Rob Robinson (Katey Wood) Broken Hearted Early Discovery – (Josh Gilliland) California Cellphone Search Case Highlights Courts’ Tech Problems - (Kate Moser) Chief Judge Rader Introduces Proposed Model Order on eDiscovery In Patent Cases – (Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney) Citing Orwell, Supreme Court Appears Wary of Police GPS Surveillance - (Marcia Coyle) Controlling E-Discovery Costs In… [read post]
2 Apr 2017, 4:04 pm by INFORRM
Benjamin Mullin in Poynter has reiterated the fact that despite his threats, Trump does not have the power to amend libel laws. [read post]
8 Jun 2017, 3:27 am
The following guest post is by Daniel Taskalos. [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 9:15 am by Kevin O'Keefe
Law firms with blogs or lawyers blogging (Click link to go to list of blogs by that firm): Adams and Reese Akerman Senterfitt Akin Gump Allen Matkins Alston & Bird Andrews Kurth Arent Fox Armstrong Teasdale Arnold & Porter Baker & Daniels Baker Hostetler Baker & McKenzie Barnes & Thornburg Husch Blackwell Sanders Blank Rome Bracewell & Giuliani Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels … [read post]
16 Apr 2015, 5:27 am by Jon Gelman
After nearly a decade long fight to stand by our first responders who answered the call of duty on September 11th, Congress finally fulfilled its moral obligation in late 2010 and provided our 9/11 heroes with the health care and financial compensation they deserved by passing the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. [read post]
27 Aug 2010, 11:50 am
On August 25, 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-to-2 along party lines to adopt a controversial proxy access regime to facilitate shareholders’ ability to nominate a limited number of candidates for election as directors. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
REALTY real estate 1 Roman T Brzozowski advertising 2 Roman T Brzozowski TvCityUSA Adv. 2 Tom Ripellino Metropolis Real Estate Broker/Owner 3 Charles Brown Chatre Appraisals Inc Real Estate Appraiser 1 Petar VIDEV A&I Broadway Realty Brokerage - Commercial / Investment Sales 3 Vlad Porter VB Porter & Company Real Estate Broker/Consultant 3 Kelvin Chan N/A Homebuyer 2 Enny Donaldson Fortune Property Foreclosure Specialist … [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 5:54 am by Rob Robinson
– (Jennifer Connelly) Courts Tackle Spyware Interceptions - (Peter Crusco) Criminal Law Catches Up: New ESI Guidelines Issued – (Shira Scheindlin, Jeffrey Rabkin) Data Preservation is Critical in Trade Secrets Cases | Littler - (Douglas Wickham) E-Discovery: Avoiding eDiscovery Offenses in State Courts - (Matthew Prewitt) eDiscovery Court Pilot Programs: eDiscovery Templates… [read post]
26 Apr 2022, 11:16 pm by David Kopel
[Understanding the equipment early Americans had to possess] In the colonial period and the Early Republic, laws required members of the public to possess certain arms and accoutrements. [read post]
13 Oct 2008, 4:01 am
Welcome to Blawg Review #181, celebrating International Conflict Resolution Day. [read post]