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15 Apr 2008, 11:30 am
Texas to make this argument and Jurek has been subsequently overturned in Abdul-Kabir v. [read post]
Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas—remanded the case to the lower court to determine how much of the broader ACA should be invalidated as a result (Texas v. [read post]
21 Apr 2010, 11:37 am by Tom Crane
 The Fourth Circuit and the Fifth Circuit (Texas, Louisiana and Mississiippi) are the two most conservative courts of appeals in the country. [read post]
15 Feb 2008, 4:58 pm
  In Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee, rape was only a death penalty crime when the perpetrator was a slave and the victim was white. [read post]
3 May 2007, 7:38 am
Lafleur, a Louisiana resident, and his Texas attorneys, Jeffrey M. [read post]
5 Jun 2013, 11:27 am by Michelle N. Meyer
At that time, only three states had expanded their databases to arrestees (Texas, Louisiana, and Virginia); of those, Texas and Louisiana permitted research on DNA samples. [read post]