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14 Dec 2018, 3:05 am
What the CJEU did say was that:Individual words are not protected, because they are not (literary) works;A part of a work is entitled to the same protection as the whole, insofar as that part is sufficiently original in the sense that it is its author's own intellectual creation.According to the AG, this finding is "obvious":the author of a literary work cannot appropriate common words or expressions, in the same way that a composer cannot claim an exclusive right over the notes or a… [read post]
3 Oct 2021, 10:20 am by Emily Dai
Painter discussed a recently-introduced bill designed to prevent presidential abuses of power and strengthen various counterweights to presidential authority. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 2:09 am by Jeremy
The ruling is in Case C‑419/13, Art & Allposters International BV v Stichting Pictoright, a request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (the Supreme Court in The Netherlands).The ruling deals with the exhaustion of the distribution right in copyright protected works under InfoSoc Directive 2001/29, Article 4 of which reads like this:Distribution right1. [read post]
8 May 2023, 6:11 am by Dan Bressler
” “Galderma had asked V&E to withdraw, but it refused, citing a conflicts waiver that was part of the engagement letter Galderma had signed. [read post]
22 Mar 2017, 6:31 pm by Ronald Mann
In a rare moment for the Roberts Court, the opinion in Star Athletica v Varsity Brands addressed that question broadly and categorically, passing up every opportunity to narrow or confine its ruling. [read post]
15 Aug 2010, 6:03 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Painters were way out there. [read post]
30 Dec 2016, 2:58 pm
Permission to appeal in patent cases - farewell to the Pozzoli approachGuest Kat Eibhlin Vardy recaps the case Teva UK Ltd v Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, [2016] EWCA Civ 1296. [read post]