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12 Aug 2011, 12:25 pm
Heymann: C&D letters—TM owners are trying to push people off. [read post]
19 May 2009, 9:16 am
There are some other interesting little sidenotes about this business venture that suggest the people who set it up sought at least some legal advice before doing so. 1. [read post]
20 Aug 2015, 7:18 pm
DNA testing is used in criminal matters to identify, convict or exonerate people of crimes. [read post]
18 Jan 2013, 1:17 pm
Fashion: what really matters in fashion is the TM/brand. [read post]
7 May 2012, 12:06 pm
But we’re already in merchandising-world: Nationals, AU, Capitals T-shirts—these shirts are bought by people who are fans of the teams/schools; they aren’t interested in quality. [read post]
1 May 2019, 11:30 pm
One cause is perhaps a little circular: because designs are less well known less people file them than TMs and patents and therefore they receive less attention. [read post]
13 Aug 2010, 6:45 am
She critiques the 20th century mentality that treats access to knowledge as the end and not the means: production of culture for the people but not by the people: production of books valorized over production of book clubs. [read post]
3 Apr 2007, 5:25 am
Effects on TM doctrine: Substantively, TM can offer a good fit between the government interest in regulating TMs and the law, whether that interest is protecting consumers, encouraging the production of goods of consistent quality, or protecting producers' investment in goodwill. [read post]
1 Aug 2007, 1:41 pm
" The court found that the statute's age classifications "are rationally related to the State's interest in protecting children under 12 from sexual contact by older persons, predatory or not. [read post]
7 Oct 2007, 7:33 am
(3) He offered a functional justification: TM should serve the way marks actually function in the economy. (4) He was not a formalist; he didn't think the label "property" did much help in figuring out what rights people should have. [read post]
17 Apr 2010, 3:00 am
McKenna: it’s a statement about people who buy Louis Vuitton. [read post]
6 Dec 2013, 5:38 am
While some people, like consumers, lack standing to bring a false endorsement claim, and while the plaintiff must have some sort of commercial or competitive interest (what sort will soon be decided by the Supreme Court), the plaintiff need not have an interest in the mark itself. [read post]
8 Feb 2014, 10:36 am
Also hasn’t seen as much in TM. [read post]
23 Sep 2009, 2:01 pm
Taglines as branding devices have been a subject of interest for some time now. [read post]
27 Feb 2015, 11:52 am
Also wondering about how this kind of advocacy looks in TM law—maybe a TM disparagement case. [read post]
22 Mar 2007, 3:36 am
Eventually we had to start mailing them out to people. [read post]
28 Sep 2007, 8:10 am
Ramsey considers TM to be a content-based, sometimes word-based or speaker-based, regulation, requiring a compelling interest and least restrictive means analysis. [read post]
11 Aug 2017, 9:10 am
Jennifer Rothman: TMs are part of this; also, cross subsidization of smaller films both by studios and by directors/etc. other people who fund what they want to do w/the bigger films.A: yes on TMs; maybe he needs a better term than adaptation. [read post]
4 May 2013, 7:40 am
So what happens when court has already kicked people out. [read post]
10 Aug 2012, 4:06 pm
People strategically use TM because it’s so easy to tell a TM confusion story. [read post]