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11 Jul 2023, 2:30 pm by Derek Fincham
In recent statements to the press, the director of collections at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Rune Frederiksen, has suggested that the association between the head and the body was just an idea that his predecessor, Fleming Johansen, had come up with out of [read post]
21 Mar 2023, 7:01 am by Randy E. Barnett
Gerhardt, The Power of Precedent (Oxford 2008) Robert Bennett & Lawrence Solum, Constitutional Originalism (Cornell 2011) Gary L McDowell, The Language of Law & the Foundations of American Constitutionalism (Cambridge 2010) Eric Segall, Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court Is Not a Court and Its Justices Are Not Judges (Praeger 2012) Michael Greve, The Upside-Down Constitution (Harvard 2012) Alexander Tsesis, The Thirteenth Amendment and American Freedom (NYU 2004) 2011: H. [read post]
6 Mar 2016, 4:44 pm by INFORRM
Father John Fleming was subsequently suspended from the ministry as the Catholic Church launched its own investigation. [read post]
23 Apr 2020, 4:00 am by Robert McKay
Robert Oppenheimer, as well as Alexander Fleming, Tim Berners-Lee and Alexander Graham Bell, but it is advisable to separate them in terms of societal value. [read post]
10 Apr 2018, 2:40 pm
I am happy to report the publication of my article,  "The Corporate Social Responsibilities of Financial Institutions for the Conduct of their Borrowers: The View From International Law and Standards," Lewis & CLark Law Review 21(4):881-920 (2018). [read post]
14 Jun 2022, 2:29 pm by Randy E. Barnett
Gerhardt, The Power of Precedent (Oxford 2008) Robert Bennett & Lawrence Solum, Constitutional Originalism (Cornell 2011) Gary L McDowell, The Language of Law & the Foundations of American Constitutionalism (Cambridge 2010) Eric Segall, Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court Is Not a Court and Its Justices Are Not Judges (Praeger 2012) Michael Greve, The Upside-Down Constitution (Harvard 2012) Alexander Tsesis, The Thirteenth Amendment and American Freedom (NYU 2004) 2011: H. [read post]
6 Jan 2018, 7:32 am
I am happy to announce the publication of "Sovereign Wealth Funds, Capacity Building, Development and Governance," which appears in the Wake Forest Law Review 52(4):735-780 (2017). [read post]
17 Apr 2017, 1:26 pm
(Pix © Larry Catá Backer 2017)I have just posted a preliminary draft of an article that is currently entitled The Corporate Social Responsibilities of Financial Institutions for the Conduct of their Borrowers: The View from International Law and Standards. [read post]
3 Oct 2022, 12:04 pm by admin
In “Cheng’s Proposed Consensus Rule for Expert Witnesses,”[1] I discussed a recent law review article by Professor Edward K. [read post]
2 Jun 2019, 11:27 pm by Chuck Cosson
Tool Without A Handle:  Guerilla Information Warfare “The enemies of liberal democracy hack our feelings of fear and hate and vanity, and then use these feelings to polarize and destroy" - Yuval Noah Harari.[1] Most of the discussion of the report of the Office of the Special Counsel[2] has, understandably focused on the political implications, and interestingly for a report prompted by foreign intelligence operations, it is not really a counterintelligence report.[3]  But… [read post]
24 Sep 2014, 1:04 am by Ben
Seuss’ Cat in the Hat, Ian Fleming’s James Bond, DC Comics’ Superman and many others. [read post]
29 Apr 2018, 3:03 pm by Kevin LaCroix
”   More recently, in a February 26, 2018 speech, then-newly appointed Democratic Commissioner Robert J. [read post]
24 Aug 2019, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
(Center for History and Economics, Harvard University)Moderators: Elizabeth Lhost, Dartmouth College ( and Emma Rothschild, Harvard University ( Kalyani Ramnath, Harvard University ( Bhattacharya, Drexel University ( South Asia 1Julia Stephens, Rutgers University ( South Asia 2Tatiana Seijas, Rutgers University… [read post]