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12 May 2020, 3:23 pm by Amy Howe
A majority of the justices appeared skeptical of claims, made by a lawyer for the House of Representatives, that the committees have broad power to request the president’s personal papers, but they seemed equally dubious in the second argument that the president has the categorical immunity from state grand-jury proceedings that he is claiming. [read post]
10 Dec 2008, 5:04 am
  In light of the Supreme Court's rulings in Gall and Kimbrough, which had come down in the interim, the majority held in United States v. [read post]
2 Oct 2008, 7:43 pm
Strine notes that Unocal’s board met for eight or nine hours to consider Pickens’ offer — a response to Smith v. [read post]
7 Mar 2019, 12:29 pm by Schachtman
” Matthew 23:24 To capture the state of the art, or the state of correct and flawed interpretations of the ASA Statement, reviewing a recent but now resolved, large so-called mass tort may be illustrative. [read post]
27 Dec 2008, 10:19 am
He died 3 days later of the injuries at the age of 47. * 1599: Nanda Bayin, a Burman king, reportedly laughed to death when informed, by a visiting Italian merchant, that “Venice was a free state without a king. [read post]