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21 Oct 2008, 10:29 pm
Berman & Stephanos Bibas A Floor, Not a Ceiling: Federalism and Remedies for Violations of Constitutional Rights in Danforth v. [read post]
15 Aug 2021, 1:36 am by INFORRM
Fox News Network, LLC, written by Third Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas: “ News outlets are not liable for minor mistakes, especially when reporting on public figures and matters of public concern. [read post]
22 Mar 2007, 4:33 pm
.), Chris Slobogin (Florida/Stanford), Antony Duff (Stirling, UK), Stephanos Bibas (Penn), and David Dolinko (UCLA). [read post]
27 Dec 2018, 9:30 pm by Series of Essays
Barton and Judge Stephanos Bibas in their book, Rebooting Justice. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 8:54 am by Moria Miller
” He worked in the Supreme Court clinic with fellow students and director Professor Stephanos Bibas, taking the co-requisite Supreme Court Practice Seminar with Professors Amy Wax and James Feldman. [read post]
23 Jan 2012, 2:33 pm by Kevin Johnson
Criminal law expert Professor Stephanos Bibas of the University of Pennsylvania Law School’s Supreme Court Clinic argued the case for the petitioner. [read post]
20 Jul 2023, 6:00 am by Josh Blackman
Stephanos Bibas, a Trump nominee to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, also served as a law professor between 2001 and 2017. [read post]
24 Jul 2018, 7:18 am by msatta
As then-Professor Stephanos Bibas responded to Scalia’s lament: “[I]t is about time the Court developed some plea-bargaining law. [read post]
6 Apr 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  As Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, memorably put it in a Third Circuit opinion that Hasen quotes: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. [read post]
21 Mar 2012, 6:25 am by Conor McEvily
  At the blog Sentencing Law and Policy, Stephanos Bibas expresses surprise at “how confused the Justices are about how to frame the issues,” while at the same blog Douglas A. [read post]
1 Mar 2017, 9:30 pm by Richard A. Bierschbach
As University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Stephanos Bibas and I discuss in a forthcoming article, serious issues would exist with each of these and related strategies. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 7:03 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Stephanos Bibas, a professor of criminal procedure at the University of Pennsylvania who wrote a law-review article cited in the majority opinion, said the opinion "erected standards" that will be difficult for some challengers to meet. [read post]
9 Apr 2019, 4:29 am by SHG
They were kind enough to invite me to be on their first panel, at the time knowing that only Third Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas would be the moderator. [read post]
12 Apr 2021, 10:58 am by Scott Bomboy
” In a 2-1 decision, Judge Cheryl Ann Krause, joined by Judge Stephanos Bibas, wrote that “that Tinker does not apply to off-campus speech—that is, speech that is outside school-owned, -operated, or -supervised channels and that is not reasonably interpreted as bearing the school’s imprimatur. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 3:21 am by SHG
On the other hand, a system that coerces nearly all defendants to cop a plea rather than risk the trial tax has turned an adversary system into horse trading, even when the evidence stinks, constitutional rights have been mangled and/or the defendant is innocent.To put a cap on the silliness, I would be remiss not to mention the "headline" offered by Stephanos Bibas doing his best Doug Berman impression: Wowza! [read post]
16 Jan 2007, 7:53 am
  (As detailed here and here, Stephanos Bibas and I have authored this recent OSJCL article discussing consensus principles designed to help SCOTUS bring some order to its sentencing jurisprudence as it considers Cunningham.) [read post]
2 Jun 2019, 4:47 am by Hon. Richard G. Kopf
See Stephanos Bibas, Originalism and Formalism in Criminal Procedure: The Triumph of Justice Scalia, the Unlikely Friend of Criminal Defendants? [read post]
13 Jun 2022, 1:37 pm by Eugene Volokh
Yung, decided today by the Third Circuit, in an opinion by Judge Stephanos Bibas, joined by Judges Felipe Restrepo and Jane Roth: Congress enacted the cyberstalking law in 2006 and broadened it in 2013. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 7:03 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Stephanos Bibas, a professor of criminal procedure at the University of Pennsylvania who wrote a law-review article cited in the majority opinion, said the opinion "erected standards" that will be difficult for some challengers to meet. [read post]