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25 May 2009, 10:01 pm
U.S. __ (May 18, 2009) (here's a link to the decision through the Supreme Court website), came down last Monday, holding that the more rigorous pleading standards set forth in Bell Atlantic v. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 11:36 pm by Will Aitchison
Iqbal, 129 Sup.Ct.1937, 1949 (2009) and Bell Atl. [read post]
Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), the Court’s infamous “Three generations of imbeciles are enough” case. [read post]
8 Mar 2015, 6:43 am by Howard Friedman
LEXIS 25641 (ED VA, March 3, 2015), a Virginia federal district court dismissed an inmate's complaint over being temporarily removed from the Common Fare religious diet because he was found concealing a bell pepper in the front of his pants.In Mitchell v. [read post]
25 Oct 2007, 10:03 am
P. 12 motions to dismiss in its decision in Bell Atlantic Corp. v. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 3:53 pm by Bradley Gross
So it should come as no surprise that in EA's popular video game, Battlefield 3, users have the option of flying around in simulated U.S. military aircraft like the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y Venom and the V-22 Osprey. [read post]