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15 Jan 2023, 6:33 pm
That just enough policy is reflected in the stability of cash exports (rum and tobacco) but with the future banking on a well subsidized pharma sector, the collapse of which would indeed be ruinous. [read post]
17 Feb 2019, 6:24 pm by Camilla Alexandra Hrdy
(discussing the doctrine of foreign equivalents in the context of denying registration for geographically deceptively misdescriptive marks); see also Palm Bay Imports v. [read post]
25 Mar 2024, 12:39 pm by Amy Howe
., where it was all but certain to be heard by Matthew Kacsmaryk, a conservative federal jurist there who, before becoming a judge, had written articles criticizing the court’s landmark decision in Roe v. [read post]
12 Mar 2010, 9:26 am by ToddHenderson
” Or take this zinger from Justice Stevens’s opinion: “The Court’s ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation” and “do damage to this institution” as well. [read post]
12 Mar 2010, 2:11 pm by ToddHenderson
” Or take this zinger from Justice Stevens’s opinion: “The Court’s ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation” and “do damage to this institution” as well. [read post]
27 Apr 2020, 3:00 am by Joshua Holt
His high-profile cases include the “trial of the century,” otherwise known as United States v. [read post]
8 May 2008, 7:48 am
  If a liberal legal academic cannot say publicly (if she believes it to be so) that Roe v. [read post]
24 Jan 2025, 8:34 am by Daniel J. Gilman
I understand that there are some conditions under which real conflicts of interest might be unknown, to someone’s detriment, as well as conditions under which there might be reasonable concerns about potential conflicts of interest. [read post]
19 Jan 2015, 6:28 pm
It had its legal beginning in 1896, when the Supreme Court rendered a decision known as the Plessy v. [read post]
27 Mar 2012, 6:02 am by Rebecca Tushnet
” This is image as bogeyman, and it’s a position certainly not unknown to the law, as I’ve written. [read post]
16 Oct 2009, 3:18 pm
Section 403(r)(6) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(6)) requires that a manufacturer of a dietary supplement making a nutritional deficiency, structure/function, or general well-being claim have substantiation that the claim is truthful and not misleading. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 12:29 pm by JURIST Staff
Many Kenyans, especially Muslim leaders as well as others of the Islamic faith and a good number of Kenyan youths went online to show their lack of support for Israel as well as to slam the President for his statement as they believe that this conflict would have never happened if Israel would have stopped treating the Palestinians in Gaza and those residing in Israel poorly. [read post]
1 Apr 2023, 6:35 am by Marc DeGirolami
I have found that a good meme can do as much to make, say, Marbury v. [read post]
19 May 2011, 1:00 pm by McNabb Associates, P.C.
An accompanying exchange of diplomatic notes provides that, in interpreting and applying the Treaty, non-disclosure of relevant facts during such consultation, whether the non-disclosure was deliberate or otherwise and whether such facts were known or unknown at that time, would nullify the consultation and any resulting agreement reached by the Contracting States. [read post]
14 Jan 2020, 2:40 pm by Jessica Kroeze
Koleske, Editor, 1995, pages 23-25D6: BYK Additives & Instruments, Product Guide L-G 1, Paint Additives, February 2009D7: WO 2011/084380 A1.V. [read post]