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26 Sep 2010, 8:48 am
Gilbert Welch, who has long been a skeptic of the mammogram as a sacred cow of must-do medicine. [read post]
20 Jun 2010, 4:11 am by Walter Olson
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy proposes criminal penalties for parents who skip parent-teacher conferences [WJBK via Welch, Reason] Plaintiff’s bar takes to online marketing in big way, Boston’s Sokolove firm has 20-employee team [WSJ Law Blog] Stuart Taylor, Jr., “The Myth of the Conservative Court” [The Atlantic] Happy Father’s Day, cont’d: that “sex offender” neighbor could turn out to be this poor guy [Stephen Mason, Psychology… [read post]
28 Nov 2006, 7:14 pm
If you think my survey is inaccurate, you’re correct. [read post]
19 Jan 2020, 8:44 am by Cassandra Patterson
Day in Atlanta by Mary Welch, Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau Celebrate MLK Day with These Metro Atlanta Events by Najja Parker, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 2020 MLK Day Events in Atlanta by Atlanta Parent Editorial If you’re wondering what’s open or closed during the holiday, here’s an article that might help: MLK Day 2020: Here’s What’s Open, Closed In Atlanta by Andrea V. [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 6:17 am
Because Jensen will close her practice next month, another attorney will have to represent Tara Ranzy if Ranzy seeks an appeal.The case is In re Marriage of Tara Ranzy and Larissa Chism, No. 49D12-0903-DR-014654 (Ind. [read post]
3 May 2007, 8:36 pm
I’m glad you’re out there and am grateful to Marty, John, and Ron for organizing this fine event.Marty, John, and MikeSecond, I was surprised to hear one INTA session boasted a standing-room only crowd: the presentation on keywords. [read post]