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15 Dec 2008, 11:07 pm
" How did the California court stray so far from the Fourth Amendment's moorings? [read post]
11 Mar 2008, 8:46 am
March 3, 2008 - March 7, 2008 To view these cases distributed by you must first sign in to [read post]
3 Sep 2020, 4:00 am by Administrator
These current preoccupations have resulted in significant re-engagement with access to justice as a site for innovative empirical research and policy development, especially by socio-legal scholars in Canada and elsewhere. [read post]
14 Aug 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal Abrupt Change to Census Deadline Could Result in an Undercount of Latino and Black Communities Philadelphia Inquirer – Jose Del Real and Fredrick Kunkle (Washington Post) | Published: 8/9/2020 Census experts and advocates warn the Trump administration’s decision to end the decennial count a month earlier than expected will result in a dramatic undercount of Black and Latino communities across the country, which could have grave effects on federal funding and… [read post]
27 Dec 2006, 6:19 am
Going into the Emerald Bowl game between UCLA and Florida State, our prognostication record based on predictions published previously here at LawPundit is 11-3 in picking winners and 8-3 against the spread (three of the games had no spread that we were able to find online).Update. [read post]
31 Jan 2010, 10:47 am by Adam Thierer
[I’ve been working on an outline for a book I hope to write surveying technological skepticism throughout history. [read post]
22 Nov 2008, 4:09 am
STATEMENT OF THE CASE AND FACTS Factual Background On March 23, 1983, Lisa DeCarr and Kathy Stevens wereexpelled from school after they were discovered outside smoking under a tree. [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 11:47 am by Gina Durham
  “It's hard to know what we're going to be looking at before it is posted,” Katy Basile, Novak Druce, Cupertino, Calif., told BNA. [read post]
17 Jul 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Big Donors and PACs Dominate Campaign Funding in Nearly Every State, Report Finds Sludge – David Moore | Published: 7/9/2020 A recent report from the Campaign Finance Institute finds that, on average, 73 percent of state campaign funding from 2016 through 2019 came from large donors or PACs, while just 12 percent came from small donors contributing $250 or less. if small donors are incentivized to donate state campaigns, the share currently given to politicians by large donors… [read post]
4 Aug 2008, 7:06 pm
To view these cases distributed by you must first sign in to [read post]
9 Oct 2022, 7:22 pm by Bill Henderson
Stable, transparent, not very complicated, reasonably profitable, and often quite collegial. [read post]
7 Aug 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Corporate Lobbyists Vote to Keep Corporate Lobbyists in the DNC Sludge – David Moore | Published: 8/5/2020 A resolution that would have changed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) charter to permanently bar corporate PAC donations and ban corporate lobbyists from serving on the party organization was rejected by the DNC’s Rules Committee. [read post]
1 Dec 2008, 11:45 am THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA WAYNE TOMPKINS, Petitioner, v. [read post]
20 Jul 2015, 9:07 am by Marty Lederman
It's been almost a year since my last series of posts on the fallout from Hobby Lobby--in particular, on the challenges by nonprofit organizations to the government's augmented religious accommodation. [read post]
20 May 2022, 1:56 pm by David Kopel
[A reply to Professor Andrew Koppelman] In the Arizona Law Review, Professor Andrew Koppelman asks the provocative question Why Do (Some) Originalists Hate America? [read post]
26 Jul 2017, 2:59 am by INFORRM
Equustek claimed that for many years Datalink had been re-labelling one of Equustek’s products and passing it off as Datalink’s own; that Datalink then acquired confidential information and misused it to design and manufacture a competing product; and that Datalink then passed off the competing product by supplying it in substitution for Equustek products advertised on its websites. [read post]
29 Jan 2025, 6:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
In Alvaran v New Jersey Transit Corporation, the New Jersey Transit Corporation  [New Jersey Transit] appealed a New York State Supreme Court's denial of its motion to dismiss the complaint filed against it based on New Jersey Transit's  claim of sovereign immunity. [read post]
29 Jan 2025, 6:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
In Alvaran v New Jersey Transit Corporation, the New Jersey Transit Corporation  [New Jersey Transit] appealed a New York State Supreme Court's denial of its motion to dismiss the complaint filed against it based on New Jersey Transit's  claim of sovereign immunity. [read post]