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11 Mar 2021, 11:35 am
 For the last several months I have been sharing sneak peeks of a book to be published in early 2021: Hong Kong Between 'One Country' and 'Two Systems':  Essays from the Year that Transformed the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (June 2019 – June 2020)  (Little Sir Press). [read post]
22 Jan 2009, 2:06 am
As we reported yesterday, the California Supreme Court denied the petitions for review in Wyeth v. [read post]
That one statement aside, however, he generally cast doubt on Russia’s involvement in the hacking and the leaking of the documents obtained from the DNC Trump’s skepticism stood in sharp contrast to the intelligence community’s confidence on the question of Russian involvement. [read post]
3 Jul 2019, 1:10 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
Alumni respond anonymously and confidentially, and reviews are written based on their responses and follow-up questions where applicable. [read post]
28 Sep 2022, 6:10 am by Teresa Chen, Alana Nance, Han-ah Sumner
Furthermore, the double-digit rise in 2022 marks a sharp increase compared with defense spending growth in recent history, as yearly growth has been below 4 percent since 2017. [read post]
Indeed, the Fokker Services court drew a sharp distinction between cases in a pretrial posture—like all deferred prosecution agreements—and cases like Flynn’s in which a defendant has pleaded guilty and the court is called upon to impose a sentence. [read post]
27 Feb 2020, 5:00 am by Jacques Singer-Emery, Rex Bray, III
During a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 5, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that the bureau was elevating “to the top level priority racially motivated violent extremism so it is on the same footing in terms of our national threat banding as ISIS and homegrown violent extremism. [read post]
28 Sep 2022, 6:10 am by Teresa Chen, Alana Nance, Han-ah Sumner
Furthermore, the double-digit rise in 2022 marks a sharp increase compared with defense spending growth in recent history, as yearly growth has been below 4 percent since 2017. [read post]
3 Sep 2021, 5:01 am by Peter Margulies
That would suggest, at least in comparison with non-MPP immigration judge hearings, that immigration judges in MPP were granting asylum claims at lower rates than usual, based on statistics about claims of applicants within the United States. [read post]
14 Jun 2016, 3:19 am
., p. 17) The application of global norms of human rights within the context and conditions of states produces  fracture that is itself the necessary consequence of uniformity without hierarchy at the global level. [read post]
14 Aug 2020, 1:21 pm
(Ibid., p. 40).The IBA position likely represents the solid middle ground of the profession; it represents an effort to "push" lawyers toward a revised baseline from which ethical legal work ought to be undertaken; at the same it it stops far short of mandatory accountability around measures (including specific applications of the UNGP) which remain both contested and to some extent still in development. [read post]
13 Mar 2011, 9:18 am by Adam Thierer
As I noted in the first of my many reviews of his book, there are many problems with the logic of API neutrality or the application of adverse possession in these contexts. [read post]
7 Feb 2007, 9:48 pm
By jettisoning the legal requirements of the applicable rules, and the mature and well-developed body of case law that has grown up around those rules, the principles are profoundly destructive of existing law.2. [read post]
15 Jul 2010, 2:39 pm by Bexis
On those bases, the Court rejected application of market-share liability in cases involving vaccines. . . .Moreno, slip op. at 13 (a half-dozen or so Shackil cites and quotation marks omitted). [read post]