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4 Oct 2011, 2:49 am
” Over at the UK Human Rights Blog, Adam Wagner sums it up by saying: “There is plenty of nonsense out there about the Human Rights Act. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 3:06 am
Adam Wagner refers to the Orwell Prize. [read post]
23 Sep 2019, 3:25 am
Matthew C Wagner, General Counsel PDC Brands, gave the US view. [read post]
17 Jan 2014, 10:58 am
: Navigating an Ombuds Career Path" -- Ennis McCrery, Graduate Student Ombudsperson, Virginia Tech & Dawn Osborne-Adams, University Ombudsman, Binghamton University. [read post]
3 Jul 2010, 12:00 am
WAGNER In 1999, defendant pleaded guilty in Massachusetts to indecent assault and battery arising out of his inappropriate sexual contact with a 15-year-old girl, the babysitter of his seven-year-old daughter. [read post]
12 Apr 2024, 6:30 am
Wagner (University of Zurich), on Thursday, April 11, 2024 Tags: Asset management, carbon emissions, climate risk, Green energy, Green Investors, Mutual funds AI Governance Appears on Corporate Radar Posted by Subodh Mishra, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., on Thursday, April 11, 2024 Tags: AI, Artificial intelligence, boards, directors, ISS-Corporate, S&P 500 [read post]
10 Apr 2011, 11:51 am
“ Lord Neuberger’s lecture in some ways reflects constitutional orthodoxy – and as Adam Wagner points out does leave open the “very difficult question of what would happen if parliament did something which clearly ran foul of the rule of law and fundamental rights. [read post]
18 Jan 2011, 2:59 pm
Adam Wagner of 1 Crown Office Row and the UK Human Rights blog reports: Inaccurate human rights reporting will not help either side of the debate [read post]
16 Nov 2011, 11:53 am
What he said was rightly criticised by both Legal Bizzle and Adam Wagner at the UK Human Rights Blog but I’ve taken a slightly different angle – focusing on why protesters and the left, in particular, should give freemanism short shrift: The “freemen on the land” meme isn’t just dangerous: it’s politically unattractive, too. [read post]
20 Oct 2007, 10:40 am
Ross manages to weave together Wagner, Snakes on a Plane, the Long Tail, and Rick Rubin. [read post]
28 Oct 2011, 9:46 am
” Anyway… all done in the best possible taste and not to be taken seriously…. so to more sensible matters – albeit briefly.. and as I was unable to Eyes Only yesterday – put a few blog posts and newspaper articles I have enjoyed reading this week before you: Legal Week: ‘He’s a human rights lawyer, you know’ – barrister Adam Wagner on what drew him to a career in human rights law Anna Raccoon casts a caustic eye… [read post]
12 Feb 2008, 9:00 am
Adam Aponte, whose advice on weight loss is featured in the cookbook, said, “Some parts of East Harlem have more fast food restaurants than supermarkets or produce stands. [read post]
17 Aug 2011, 4:14 am
Admittedly, as UKHR blog editor (and barrister) Adam Wagner points out here, the site only guarantees up to date legislation until 2002, but it’s an excellent statutory law resource nonetheless, searchable by legislation title, year and number. 8. [read post]
23 Jun 2016, 3:10 am
” At Empirical SCOTUS, Adam Feldman looks at Justice Clarence Thomas’s dissents this Term. [read post]
31 Oct 2011, 5:48 am
Meanwhile, the attorney-general Dominic Grieve gave what Adam Wagner referred to as a ‘refreshingly grown-up argument on human rights reform’, outlining why the government felt it necessary to replace the Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights. [read post]
18 Nov 2019, 4:52 pm
– Adam Wagner Revisited and Revised: A Human Right to Internet Access? [read post]
20 Sep 2011, 12:05 am
Adam Wagner asks if the seminal Shayler case would be useful to The Guardian. [read post]
12 Dec 2011, 12:54 am
In an interesting post on the UK Human Rights blog, Adam Wagner analysed the increase in the number of ‘top judge says’ headlines and the impact this has on judicial decision making and media portrayals of the judiciary. [read post]
10 Aug 2014, 5:20 pm
The top 5 posts on Inforrm this week were Facebook’s Community Standards: Severed heads are okay, but nipples are bad (unless accompanied by a baby) – Gideon Benaim and Jon Oakley Law and Media Round Up – 4 August 2014 Case Law: PNM v Times Newspapers, Open justice and reporting information about a suspect – Hugh Tomlinson QC The Sun just keeps getting it wrong on human rights – Adam Wagner Case Law: R (T) v Secretary of State for the Home… [read post]
21 Feb 2013, 6:39 am
Natural Resources Moderator: Noga Morag-Levine, Professor, Michigan State University College of LawAndrew van Wagner, “A Heating Competition for Unclaimed Resources”Vladimir Gladyshev, “Delimitation Issues: Cutting up the Arctic Pie”Nikolas Sellheim, “The Neglected Tradition? [read post]