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9 Sep 2010, 12:10 pm
All of this even assuming that the latter tribunal even has recent-graduate law clerks, which often do not exist in the state tribunals in which many of the previous tattoo cases have been heard.All of this is a way of saying that, in addition to friends with tattoos, I think that clerks with tattoos -- which, for many judges, may be their principal professional exposure to the practice -- might well have a fairly big impact on how a judge might view cases like this one. [read post]
27 Jan 2018, 10:30 am by Vanessa Sauter
Lawfare contributor and University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck argued before the Supreme Court last week in United States v. [read post]
15 Feb 2024, 7:11 am by Rick Hasen
Anderson, many Supreme Court Justices expressed serious reservations about permitting states to enforce Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment against a presidential candidate. [read post]