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20 Mar 2019, 7:00 am by Jorge Miranda
The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU by Patrick J Birkinshaw, Andrea Biondi € The post Mexico’s New Agricultural Pol [read post]
24 Oct 2018, 9:45 pm by Andrew Hudson
Andrew HudsonThere has been a significant amendment to the Trade Marks Act 1995 which further entrenches the legality of parallel imports in Australia. [read post]
23 Sep 2019, 6:28 am by Frank Hendrickx
Frank HendrickxIn 1890, Warren and Brandeis defined the right to privacy as ‘the right to be let alone’ (4 Harvard Law Review, 93-220). [read post]
4 Dec 2019, 4:16 pm by Andrew Hudson
Andrew HudsonThe decision of the Victorian County Court in Technology Swiss Pty Ltd and Ecology SRL v Famous Pacific Shipping Pty Ltd which was delivered on 30 September 2019 and published on 13 November 2019 has already received some attention and commentary within industry. [read post]
4 Jan 2008, 9:07 pm
Clenchy and Chairman Swindlehurst and the so-called Educators of the Asa Adams Elementary School had handled this situation better than the lying and threatening way that they did, then Melanson probably would not have had to take this to the lengths that he has," suggested Andrea of Mapleton. [read post]
18 Mar 2019, 7:00 am by Jorge Miranda
Jorge MirandaThis is the second of three posts where I comment on Mexico’s “new” agricultural policy. [read post]
16 Oct 2019, 5:31 am by Frank Hendrickx
Frank HendrickxIn cooperation with the Delegation of the Emilia Romagna Region to the European Union, the Marco Biagi Foundation (University of Modena) organized a conference on “Employment and Jobs beyond 2020: Challenges and Perspectives for the European Union” in Brussels on 10 October 2019. [read post]
2 Dec 2019, 8:19 am by Marco D'Ostuni
The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU by Patrick J Birkinshaw, Andrea Biondi € The post Competition and 5G Spectrum Auctions: Chronicles from the Battlefield appeared first on Regulating for Globalization. [read post]
28 Jun 2018, 6:21 am by Stefaan Van den Bogaert
Stefaan Van den BogaertThe Europa Institute of Leiden University is sixty years old. [read post]
27 Mar 2014, 4:00 am by Administrator
It would not be surprising to find that it shares with music some of the copyright problems that we identify. 6 Andreas Rahmatian, “Music and Creativity as Perceived by Copyright Law” (2005) 3 Intellectual Property Quarterly 267 at 272–73 [footnote omitted]. 7 Alexandra Parbery-Clark et al, “Musician Enhancement for Speech-In-Noise” (2009) 30:6 Ear & Hearing 653. 8 Patrick CM Wong et al, “Musical Experience Shapes Human Brainstem Encoding of… [read post]
9 Feb 2024, 5:16 am by Beatrice Yahia
” Jeff Mason and Andreas Rinke report for Reuters. [read post]
19 Mar 2019, 8:10 am by Frank Hendrickx
Frank HendrickxOn 18 and 19 March 2019 the XVIIth  annual Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biagi took place in Modena, Italy. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 5:00 am by Laura Appleman
Purcell (New York Law School); Norman Silber (Hofstra University); Alexander Streimitzer (University of Bonn); Patrick Weil (University of Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne) Thanks to Tim Zinnecker for originally creating this list, and to everyone who provided information. [read post]
8 May 2018, 12:00 am by Jeff Snyder
Jeff SnyderWe wanted to draw your attention to some interesting articles on Women in Trade that appeared in the Global Trade and Customs Journal in 2017:   Arancha Gonzalez, ‘Making the Case for Trade in the XXI Century’ (2017) 12, Issue 11/12   Eva Valle Lagares, ‘Trade from the Trenches: Negotiating in Practice’ (2017) 12, Issue 11/12 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) generated significant public curiosity… [read post]
6 Feb 2019, 5:44 am by Dáire McCormack-George
Dáire McCormack-George Introduction In June 2018, I presented a paper on ‘Trade in Services, Migration and Recognition of Professional Qualifications post-Brexit’ (draft available here) at the third Radboud Economic Law Conference, ‘Upgrading Trade and Services in EU and International Economic Law’. [read post]
17 Oct 2018, 9:51 am by Freya Baetens
Freya Baetens Source: The legal position of the UK within the WTO is not in doubt: the UK has always been a full Member of the WTO and will remain so post-Brexit – the problem lies in determining the exact terms and conditions of its membership. [read post]
15 Jul 2019, 8:35 am by Dáire McCormack-George
Dáire McCormack-GeorgeThe Regulation establishing the European Labour Authority (‘ELA’) was recently adopted by the European Parliament and the Council and will shortly come into force. [read post]
13 Jun 2024, 5:18 am by Beatrice Yahia
Andrea Mitchell and Alexander Smith report for NBC News. [read post]