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13 Dec 2023, 7:47 am by Joel R. Brandes
  In Anderson v Anderson, --- N.Y.S.3d ----, 2023 WL 8246131, 2023 N.Y. [read post]
29 Jun 2009, 10:45 pm
Please report any broken or inoperative links, as well as any errors and omissions, to the TTABlogger.Section 2(a) - deceptiveness:TTAB Chops Down Evasive "SILVER BIRCH" Applicant with Three Well-Aimed StrokesSection 2(a) - disparagement:Steve Baird Thinks the Washington Redskins Need a Re-BrandingBack to the Board: Is "REDSKINS" Disparaging or Not? [read post]
15 Apr 2012, 3:48 pm by Lawrence Solum
This sense of principle is illustrated by Ronald Dworkin's example of the principle that no one should be allowed to profit from their own wrong, drawn from the case of Riggs v. [read post]
4 Mar 2007, 5:40 pm
References Baird & Weisberg, Rules, Standards, and the Battle of the Forms: A Reassessment of § 2-207, 68 Virginia Law Review 1217 (1982). [read post]
19 Dec 2010, 4:35 pm by Lawrence Solum
This sense of principle is illustrated by Ronald Dworkin's example of the principle that no one should be allowed to profit from their own wrong, drawn from the case of Riggs v. [read post]