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18 Feb 2025, 4:25 am
This theory posits that the flood isn’t a natural phenomenon like rising sea levels but rather an intentional reshaping of the environment, perhaps as an experiment or a form of cosmic art by beings beyond the animals’ comprehension. [read post]
23 Sep 2011, 6:30 am by admin
     The audacious plan is rising up from former mud flats along the Yellow Sea. [read post]
7 Feb 2007, 7:37 pm
Unfortunately, things will not get any easier for those trying to navigate the seas of e-discovery. [read post]
2 Jul 2012, 8:15 pm by Mandelman
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. [read post]
30 Jan 2013, 9:01 pm by Neil H. Buchanan
  The would-be Cassandras who would like to continue to ring the alarm bells over long-term trends in the debt will say that the ten-year window to which Geithner and others point is simply too short. [read post]
14 Jan 2012, 3:01 pm
The world has never been, not at any time since mastery of the seas meant dominance in trade-not even during the silk trade--as interconnected as it is now. [read post]
21 Jan 2022, 10:32 am by luiza
” The Wells Fargo San Francisco office even had a bell they would ring after especially profitable foreign exchange transactions. [read post]
6 Apr 2018, 4:00 am by Xavier Beauchamp-Tremblay
And that commercialization is proceeding in a very particular and single-minded way: by attempting to isolate the individual within a sea of economic activity. [read post]
13 Nov 2009, 3:50 am by Moderator
"Lo malo es que si le hallan alguna falta, por mínima que sea [incluso, una infracción de tránsito] le niegan la naturalización", sostuvo.Luego de esto, el consejo manda una nota en que recomienda aprobar o negar la carta de naturaleza. [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 5:49 am by jamison
Four years at sea can make any food seem delicious, any room luxurious and spacious. [read post]
23 Jun 2021, 8:14 am by Arturo Jara
Don’t Be a Lawyer Don’t Be A Lawyer is a parody song in the style of Bell Biv DeVoe and Bobby Brown performed by Burl Moseley during a season four episode of the CW show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. [read post]
27 Jan 2013, 4:06 pm by INFORRM
Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present, CW Anderson, Emily Bell, Clay Shirky, Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia Journalism School [November 2012] 50 blogs for journalists, by journalists In the Courts On 22 January 2013 the Court of Appeal gave judgment in the case of KC v MGN (No.2)(, [2013] EWCA Civ 3) deciding an appropriate order for costs. [read post]
30 Nov 2008, 9:09 pm
Arlo was listening, and eyeballing the rafters of my home as he pondered the law of piracy.I left that discussion -- being thankful that I live in a place where high seas piracy is not a worry -- when Alice's Restaurant came on the radio (part 1 at right). [read post]
21 Jan 2022, 10:32 am by luiza
” The Wells Fargo San Francisco office even had a bell they would ring after especially profitable foreign exchange transactions. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 2:06 pm by Lara
 Though only partially visible in a sea of evergreens, the white blossoms really stood out in the forest. [read post]
6 Jun 2021, 12:01 pm
 Pix Credit USA Today HERE As time moves further and further from the middle of the last century, and as the character of the events that determined the outcome of the last part of the wars that engulfed  Europe between 1914 and 1944 increasingly become history rather than  experience, one stands at that very brief point in history between living memory (and its immediacy) and and the recording of the memories of those no longer here (and its remoteness in virtually every respect). [read post]
3 Apr 2014, 12:30 pm by Abbott & Kindermann
By William Abbott, Diane Kindermann, Katherine Hart, Glen Hansen, and Brian Russell Welcome to Abbott & Kindermann’s 2014 1st Quarter CEQA update. [read post]
8 Apr 2008, 9:45 am
For Whom the Bell TollsErnest Hemingway A sparse, masculine, world-weary meditation on death, ideology and the savagery of war in general, and the Spanish civil war in particular. [read post]