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13 Dec 2023, 6:30 am by Unknown
Short pieces & reports:Boroughs warn of rising refugee homelessness amid ‘dangerous winter conditions’ (London Councils, Dec. 2023) [text]"Editorial: Asylum reforms: Parliament fights its corner," ECRE Weekly Bulletin, 8 Dec. 2023 [text]Finland’s recent eastern border closure follows a predictable pattern of responses to unwanted migration (RLI Blog, Dec. 2023) [text]Intoxicating Sovereignty: From Brexit to The UK Supreme Court Judgment on Rwanda as… [read post]
18 Dec 2010, 2:05 pm by Michael Froomkin
Outpost Nine :: Editorials :: I am a Japanese School Teacher (2010: Linkrot — version is here):In August 2003 I moved to Kyoto, Japan as a part of the JET program. [read post]
9 Jun 2011, 4:16 am
Also, such qualification might risk to trigger the extention of the applicability to blogs of rules governing the liability of editors. [read post]
3 Dec 2016, 9:37 am by Bill Marler
Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review CONGRATULATIONS to every blogger that has made this Top Food Safety blogs list! [read post]
11 Jun 2010, 4:11 am by R. David Donoghue
  I usually do not post about personal awards, but I am making an exception because this one stems from my work on the Blog. [read post]
18 May 2010, 8:26 am by Randy Wilson
Go through it and mark out separate and distinct ideas – I’ll bet you can come up with 20 at least Create editorial calendar for your blog. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 6:08 am by Maxwell Kennerly
Following up on yesterday's post about "ex parte blogging," i.e. the possibility that the Supreme Court might see a newspaper editorial, article or blog post about a pending case, let's consider the supposed worst-case scenario, in which a Justice sees an editorial, article or blog post which has an effect on their interpretation of the case. [read post]
7 Dec 2011, 9:36 am by Helen Pitlick
PST), LexBlog CEO Kevin O'Keefe, along with LexBlog's Client Services and Editorial teams, will host "SEO for Law Blogs," a free, hourlong webinar on this subject. [read post]
23 Nov 2009, 5:04 pm
- New York attorney Michael Quiat of Uscher, Quiat, Uscher & Russo on his blog, Quiat on Claims Effect of Referendum 71 on Washington Life and Health Insurance - Emory law student Gideon Alper on his Gay Couples Law Blog Gay Marriage and Gay Divorce - Ontario lawyer Brian Galbraith on his Ontario Family Law Blog [read post]
20 Apr 2010, 5:30 am
 We recognize that some of the hammier hams on the CAFA Law Blog editorial staff may be unable to resist sending in their own stories under fake names, but we’re too lazy to filter them out, so you’ll just have to deal with the extra competition. [read post]
23 Jun 2010, 9:20 am by Christine Hurt
"  As I have nothing to add to current debates over futbol or Generals Gone Rolling Stone, I thought I would go back to an editorial in the May 23 NYT that still has me upset. [read post]
18 May 2022, 7:15 am by Unknown
Blog posts & press:The Campaign to End Statelessness: Jan. [read post]