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17 Aug 2010, 3:30 am by Chip Merlin
Insurance company coverage counsel certainly will do everything in their power to dismiss claims that their clients breached obligations of good faith when those cases are in federal court. [read post]
1 Jul 2009, 11:28 am
 One such suit recently filed against Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. seeks $200 million dollars for a proposed class. [read post]
30 Apr 2011, 5:00 am by Gregory Dell
As a matter of fact, the same disability attorney filed three separate Federal lawsuits against Liberty Mutual on behalf of three individual plaintiffs living in different jurisdictions. [read post]
20 Jun 2013, 5:49 am
Baby was the former CEO of Physicians Insurance Company of Ohio. [read post]
18 Jul 2008, 7:37 am
  In Rohm, the insured sought a declaratory judgment that its insurer, Utica Mutual Insurance Company, is obligated to provide a defense in various lawsuits commenced against the insured for exposure to contaminated air and groundwater from its manufacturing facility. [read post]
8 Mar 2014, 3:01 pm by Law Lady
The insurance companies were not parties, and, therefore, could not be enjoined from providing the required coverage. [read post]
12 Feb 2011, 4:00 am by Gregory Dell
Disability Blog & Cases: Liberty Mutual ordered to pay interest & attorney fees following disability insurance claim denial A recent Federal Court decision from New Jersey sided with a disability claimant who filed an ERISA suit after her disability insurance benefits were wrongfully denied by Liberty Mutual Life Insurance Company. [read post]
30 Sep 2009, 7:50 am
The industry sold life insurance policies of people dying of AIDS and other diseases.The indictment alleges that Mendelsohn used a variety of false solicitations to raise money, including saying he had brokered illegal agreements with top Florida officials to close state and federal investigations. [read post]
8 Jul 2007, 10:56 am
" Meanwhile, insurance companies pay commissions on annuities which are often two, three or even 10 times the amount paid on mutual funds, which have more strictly regulated cost disclosures. [read post]
12 May 2011, 10:58 am by Jenna Greene
As part of the investigation, OSHA subpoenaed the company’s workers compensation insurer, Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Co., seeking documents and testimony regarding working conditions at Haasbach. [read post]
15 Nov 2011, 3:11 am by Gregory Dell
A South Carolina disability attorney recently filed a federal ERISA lawsuit against the Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston. [read post]
2 Jul 2011, 5:00 am by Gregory Dell
FAQ: General Questions How can a claimant exclude their disability insurance benefit payments from Federal Income Tax? [read post]
27 Dec 2011, 2:46 am
Under the MoU, the CID and BaFin may request assistance from one another, including obtaining information on regulated companies and individuals.Commissioner Leonardi stated, "Mutual supervision is critical to ensure a robust market and to hold carriers accountable to all their policyholders. [read post]
7 Sep 2020, 6:59 am by Attorney Neil Z. Burns
  AG Healey’s request follows an earlier joint letter sent on March 18, 2020 by the Center for Economic Justice and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) to all state insurance commissioners. [read post]
4 Apr 2019, 12:13 pm by Burton A. Padove
Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, disagreeing with the plaintiff truck driver who was injured in an on-the-job crash that the amounts had to be the same. [read post]
28 Jun 2010, 6:02 am by Rich Vetstein
Researchers estimate that for each day the program remains in limbo, approximately 1,400 closings for home purchases must be delayed, according to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies in Washington. [read post]