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9 May 2023, 5:06 am by Chip Merlin
‘My husband laughs and says you’re going to have to get a traffic cop out there one of these days. [read post]
3 May 2011, 8:04 am by lawmrh
Doesn’t matter if you’re Leona Helmsley’s dog, the Maltese Trouble, or one of the lesser known dogs and cats of Kay Elaine Johnston discussed below. [read post]
1 Oct 2010, 3:01 pm by PJ Blount
Kai-Uwe Schrogl (Germany) was re-elected as a Director. [read post]
18 Jun 2020, 6:18 am
My agents were trying to submit me on shows that are edgy, and they're laughing, 'Mary Kay, are you kidding? [read post]
12 May 2012, 1:15 pm by Ed Driscoll
Not to mention the BBC World News America targeted directly at us and Katty Kay’s partisan appearances on MSNBC and NPR. [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 7:18 am by Gritsforbreakfast
It aims to reduce the number of offenders who return to prison, either for violating terms of their release or by committing new crimes.The initiative includes assessing each prisoner's risk to re-offend and providing at least some of them with services such as drug and alcohol treatment, anger management, job training, education and community support to boost their chances of success on the outside, said Mary Kay Kollat, director of re-entry for the state prison… [read post]
31 Mar 2009, 12:29 pm
"I don't think Mary Kay Kane will come back as acting dean. [read post]
12 Dec 2011, 12:36 pm by South Florida Lawyers
The biggest news coming out of the Scott Rothstein speed depos was of course broken by Julie Kay -- Scott has completely reversed himself on the merits of facial hair:Rothstein, who was kept out of the public eye by U.S. [read post]
14 Dec 2009, 10:49 am
Yasaya göre, bankalar, önce çek hesabı açtırmak isteyenin yasaklı olup olmadığını kontrol edecek, ayrıca kişinin ekonomik ve sosyal durumunun belirlenmesinde gerekli basiret ve özeni gösterecek. [read post]
13 May 2008, 5:18 pm
They see statements like this by the Associated Press, and assume that they’re accurate. [read post]
Amnesty International called on the European Union to re-assess their engagement with Tunisian authorities to ensure that cooperation contributes to ending the human rights crisis. [read post]
10 Feb 2010, 1:12 pm by Kelly
First of all, the Mary Kay post that you’re referring to is here. [read post]
7 May 2010, 6:51 am by South Florida Lawyers
Patent and Trademark Office to re-examine Armor’s patents, which were ultimately deemed invalid. [read post]