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18 May 2011, 8:48 am by Joseph C. McDaniel
One thing about people in the United States: even though we're knee-deep in a depression, with bankruptcy cases to the right of us and the left of us, we're looking hard for the next business niche that promises brisk business. [read post]
3 Feb 2014, 2:08 pm by Stephen Bilkis
The Supreme Court of the United States recognized the potential coercive nature of custodial interrogation. [read post]
18 May 2011, 10:21 am
One thing about people in the United States: even though we're knee-deep in a depression, with bankruptcy cases to the right of us and the left of us, we're looking hard for the next business niche that promises brisk business. [read post]
8 Oct 2022, 2:26 pm by Eugene Volokh
The post A Primo Anniversary: 47 Years Since Our Family's Arrival in the United States appeared first on [read post]
21 Oct 2024, 10:21 pm by The Grife Law Firm PA
State Farm, a national insurance company established in 1922, has grown to become the largest car insurance company in the United States. [read post]
16 May 2009, 4:02 am
EEO/iNews from the United States Courts of AppealiNews Related to Equal Employment OpportunitySource: iNews © 2009 John D. [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 6:30 pm by Sergio Stone
Law Library) Res Gestae, The Journal of the Indiana State Bar Association Vol.54 # 3 , pp.12-20 (October 2010) Nice article providing an introduction to major UN databases, such as UNTS, UN-I-QUE, and the UN AudioVisual Library of [...] [read post]
22 Mar 2011, 3:00 am by Guest Blogger
The great majority of commentators on American rights have leapt effortlessly, and indeed unconsciously, from the assertion that the federal Constitution lacks (judicially recognized) positive rights to the conclusion that the United States lacks positive rights, at least at the constitutional level. [read post]
19 Oct 2018, 8:00 am by ernst
This exhibition looks at part of the history of women attorneys in the United States, beginning with Myra Bradwell and Belva Lockwood, and continuing with the women serving today as Supreme Court Justices. [read post]
21 Apr 2008, 2:41 am
I've not seen such unit-by-unit data, but it seems likely. [read post]
25 Nov 2024, 1:02 pm by Ned Foley
You’re Invited to an AEI-hosted Book Release: Electoral Reform in the United States: Proposals for Combating Polarization and ExtremismEdited by: Larry Diamond, Edward B. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 4:41 pm by Zachary Spilman
United States, and this Court’s opinion in United States v. [read post]
19 Oct 2011, 7:13 pm by Zachary Spilman
On Monday, CAAF will hear oral argument in United States v. [read post]
29 Sep 2022, 1:28 pm by William Jaksa
Criminal Offence Classifications Under United States Law – Felonies, Misdemeanors and Infractions In the United States there are three main classifications of criminal offences. [read post]
21 Apr 2014, 4:00 am by The Public Employment Law Press
" Further, said the court, "The fact that causes of action may be stated separately, invoke different legal theories, or seek different relief will not permit relitigation of claims," citing Pondview Corp. v Blatt, 95 AD3d 980.The test applied to determine if an action is ripe for application of the doctrine of res judicata is a pragmatic one, involving an analysis of how the facts are related as to time, space, origin or motivation, whether they form a convenient… [read post]
9 Jan 2025, 1:00 pm by Tom Lynch
Today, at Washington’s magnificent National Cathedral, America stopped for just a moment to witness the State Funeral for Jimmy Carter, the 37th President of the United States. [read post]
31 Mar 2022, 8:54 am by Hannah Meakin (UK)
On 30 March 2022, there was published on the website The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (United States of America Regulated Market Equivalence) Regulations 2022 together with an explanatory memorandum. [read post]
3 Feb 2025, 9:45 am by Unknown
"Settlement deservingness perceptions of climate change, economic, and political migrant groups across partisan lines," Frontiers in Sociology, 29 Jan. 2025 [open access]"The Subfederal in Immigration Polarization," Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, vol. 42, no. 1 (2024) [full-text]Resource:Litigation Tracker (Just Security) [access]- Select "immigration & citizenship" under the topic drop-down menu to view legal challenges to Trump… [read post]
2 Apr 2019, 1:41 pm by Eversheds Sutherland
-sourced natural gas in the form of LNG to nations without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States (non-FTA). [read post]