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10 Sep 2009, 4:23 pm
Another fatality resulted in a separate incident when 44-year-old John Frederick Freeman of McDonough attempted to flee from police. [read post]
16 Oct 2011, 3:42 pm
ANOTHER UPDATE: A Morgan Freeman angle. [read post]
23 Oct 2015, 4:57 am
Freeman – “Know when to hold ’em. [read post]
14 Aug 2017, 2:20 pm
., all of the factors mentioned could potentially weigh in favor of Prince's estate.I'm not an expert on U.K. law regarding trademarks and unfair competition so I asked my colleague Claire Freeman with Dummett Copp to share her thoughts on the law in the U.K. [read post]
27 Jun 2022, 1:49 pm
I'm speaking to Freddy Quincy. [read post]
18 Apr 2013, 9:55 am
By Michael M. [read post]
26 Jan 2015, 12:27 pm
And, following our reporting on the filing of Judge David Young last week, we received several emails requesting the lineup of who's up in 2016 for reelection.Without further adieu, here is the list of Judges, both Circuit and County Court, whose terms expire in 2016.CIRCUIT COURT32 Areces, Barbara 28 Bailey, Jennifer D. 10 Bernstein, Scott M. 34 Freeman, Gill Sherryl 52 Genden, Michael A. 62 Gordo, Monica 41 Hirsch, Milton76 Eig, Spencer*** 66 Luck,… [read post]
14 Aug 2017, 2:20 pm
., all of the factors mentioned could potentially weigh in favor of Prince's estate.I'm not an expert on U.K. law regarding trademarks and unfair competition so I asked my colleague Claire Freeman with Dummett Copp to share her thoughts on the law in the U.K. [read post]
25 Aug 2018, 10:05 am
Louis 840 60 7 Martha Minow Harvard University 820 63 8 Jody Freeman Harvard University 800 54 9 Catharine MacKinnon University of Michigan 780 71 10 Rachel Barkow New York University 775 47 11 Kimberle Crenshaw Columbia University 710 59 12 Pamela Karlan Stanford University 670 59 13 Oona Hathaway Yale University 660 45 14 Heather Gerken Yale University 650 49 15-T Pamela Samuelson University of California-Berkeley 640 69 15-T Rochelle Dreyfuss New… [read post]
16 Sep 2013, 3:49 pm
Attorneys: for Appellants, Francisco Leon and Rosemary Márquez 2. [read post]
28 Jan 2025, 6:00 pm
Blumling, Benjamin M. [read post]
2 Aug 2010, 4:49 am
Freeman, 357 F.2d 606 (2nd Cir. 1966) railing against the M'Naghten Rule, which by then had thrived for a century, despite complaints from the scientific and medical community: Prominent psychiatrists have expressed their frustration when confronted with such requirements. [read post]
23 Jan 2008, 4:19 pm
[See this ILB entry from 1/23/08]In Pansy M. [read post]
31 Jul 2014, 10:19 am
He was a law clerk to Judge Mary M. [read post]
9 Aug 2012, 3:09 pm
In a majority opinion written by Justice Anne M. [read post]
24 Mar 2016, 3:00 am
I’m betting that the FBI took a flyer and tried “1,2,3,4. [read post]
23 Oct 2008, 5:26 pm
Kaner was a former DFLer appointed to the bench by Governor Orville Freeman. [read post]
1 Jul 2009, 5:15 am
Because this case really has nothing to it, I'm not going to do a separate summary post. [read post]
25 Aug 2017, 3:00 am
In a motion to dismiss the case, Bradsher, who is representing himself, accused Freeman of prosecutorial misconduct. [read post]
24 Mar 2016, 3:00 am
I’m betting that the FBI took a flyer and tried “1,2,3,4. [read post]