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24 Jun 2011, 4:58 am by Jon Hyman
– from HR Cafe Now Your Embarrassing/Job-Threatening Facebook Photos Could Haunt You For Seven Years – from Kashmir Hill’s The Not-So Private Parts Prosecutor’s Facebook postings did not warrant overturning conviction – from Evan Brown’s Internet Cases How To Respond To A Social Media Crisis or Scandal: Don’t Be A Weiner – from Shear on Social Media Law Even More Social Stats – from Mark Toth’s Manpower… [read post]
17 Oct 2014, 3:22 am by Robin Shea
And get over to Mark Toth’s blog for the October Employment Law Blog Carnival: Halloween Edition. [read post]
5 Dec 2013, 12:43 pm by Ruby Powers
“The speaker remains hopeful that we can enact step-by-step, common-sense immigration reforms — the kind of reforms the American people understand and support,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said Tuesday in a statement e-mailed toThe Arizona Republic. [read post]
11 Jun 2010, 6:10 am by Jon Hyman
– from Philip Miles’s Lawffice Space Looks in the Workplace – from Mark Toth’s Manpower Employment Blawg What Employers Can Learn from the Novartis Lawsuit – from Adria Martinelli at the Delaware Employment Law Blog ADA Discrimination: What do you do when performance plummets? [read post]
9 Aug 2007, 6:59 am
Mark Heath, will be out of the county until the beginning of September. [read post]
20 May 2012, 5:08 pm
President Van Rompuy's message tothe Competitiveness Council:"Don't make me come back there.... [read post]
20 Jun 2012, 5:05 am by Stephanie R. Thomas, Ph.D.
 Mark Toth writes about a serpent with incredible power whose very name hisses: gossip. [read post]
23 Aug 2007, 12:57 am
Loudermill, 470 U.S. 532, 542 (1985) ("essentialprinciple of due process is that a deprivation of life...bepreceded by notice and opportunity for hearing appropriate tothe nature of the case")(emphasis added). [read post]
16 Jan 2012, 5:24 am by Robin E. Shea
" Mark Toth of The Manpower Group Employment Blawg recommends some "housecleaning" with employer performance evaluations, in "Evaluation Evaluation" and "Performance Evaluation Worst Practices. [read post]
27 Nov 2013, 4:10 am by Guest Blogger
Boultbee tothe non-competition providers. [62] Based on the above, it was submitted that counsel, namely Ms. [read post]
20 Feb 2009, 8:47 am
As Mark Toth, Chief Legal Officer for Manpower North America, noted on his “Employment Blawg”recently, President Obama’s and Vice President Biden’s comments, taken together, seem to indicate that EFCA will be more or less “on hold” until the Fall and “some experts feel that the President’s three recent pro-labor executive orders were expressly designed to pacify the unions until then. [read post]
1 Sep 2012, 9:01 am by Zachary Spilman
I’ve covered every opinion in CAAF’s 2011 term except one: United States v. [read post]
18 May 2024, 8:52 am
  For those who read Italian and are interested in issues of business and human rights as these notions are been developing in Europe recently,  Marco Fasciglione's marvelous Impresa e diritti umani nel diritto internazionale Teoria e prassi [Business and Human Rights in International Law: Theory and Practice] (Giappichelli, 2024) might be a great interest. [read post]
22 Jun 2015, 5:45 am
The Court of Appeals goes on to explain that at the suppression hearing, in addition tothe report provided by Cestnik, the court heard from Peppin's expert, Jennifer McCamm. [read post]
8 Oct 2020, 8:56 am by Kristian Soltes
Legal and Regulatory Developments SPOTLIGHT: House Panel Says Big Tech Wields Monopoly PowerWall Street Journal – October 6, 2020 America’s biggest technology companies have leveraged their dominance to stamp out competition and stifle innovation, according to a Democratic-led House panel, which said Congress should consider forcing the tech giants to separate their dominant online platforms from other business lines. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 8:06 am
I haven’t seen the movie, so forgive me if I am not accurate in any of this, but the gist of what he was saying was that very often the thing we most want isn’t all it is chalked up to be once we achieve it, like when Clooney’s character finally reaches the 10 million mile mark for frequent-flyer miles with American Airlines. [read post]
20 Dec 2024, 6:12 pm
 The Congressional-Executive Commission on China was created by the U.S. [read post]