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18 Jan 2008, 6:21 am
Highlights from the review: Epstein contends that [read post]
23 Nov 2009, 8:32 am by UChicagoLaw
Over at the website of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education, Richard Epstein has published an article entitled "Political Bankruptcies: How Chrysler and GM Have Changed the Rules of the Game. [read post]
18 May 2010, 10:34 am by Glenn Reynolds
TODAY’S THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH for New Threats to Freedom, featuring Richard Epstein, Christopher Hitchens, David Mamet, Anne Applebaum, and many other luminaries, plus, less luminously, me. [read post]
17 May 2007, 10:00 pm by arester
Richard Epstein is James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School. [read post]
18 May 2007, 10:10 am
Richard Epstein is James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School. [read post]
31 Mar 2008, 1:58 pm
From Richard Epstein After multiple detours about both federalism and the original position, it is probably worth while to return to the original structure of Supreme Neglect. [read post]
31 Jan 2011, 12:40 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
Thom Lambert has a post with material by Professor Richard Epstein of University of Chicago Law School on Barack Obama's time at the UofC, which comes from the WSJ by way of Reason TV:Epstein: The difference between them [Bush and Obama], which is why Obama is the more dangerous man ultimately, is he has very little by way of a skill set to understand the complex problems he wants to address, but he has this unbounded confidence in himself.Reason: So he’s the perfect… [read post]
6 Feb 2019, 10:33 am by willcanderson
Epstein Conference - Welcome and Panel 1: Common Law Subjects: Property, Torts, Contract, Restitution, Legal History, and Roman Law Conference Celebrating the Work of Richard A. [read post]
27 Oct 2011, 10:00 pm by Tom K.
In less than ten minutes, Clear Thinkers favorite Richard Epstein lucidly explains the societal benefits of providing economic incentives that produce inequality in a market economy (H/T Bart Bentley). [read post]
19 Nov 2007, 6:47 am
Chicago lawprof) Richard Epstein will be speaking to a Manhattan Institute audience on "The New Antitrust: Reexamining Microsoft and Other Consent Decrees". [read post]