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6 Oct 2006, 12:49 pm
And it's similarly not hard to guess why Stephenson v. [read post]
7 Oct 2022, 1:44 am by Jocelyn Hutton
In this post, Clare Montgomery KC of Matrix Chambers comments on the decision in Craig v Her Majesty’s Advocate (for the Government of the United States of America) and another (Scotland) [2022] UKSC 6. [read post]
Working closely with our lobbyists in state capitols around the country, we’ve been tracking this activity and working hard to make sure these privacy-protective bills become law. [read post]
21 May 2019, 5:23 am by ASAD KHAN
Hence Irwin LJ found that the “underlying principle in Zambrano is undisturbed by Chavez-Vilchez” and in the latter case the referring court was looking for guidance in circumstances where a child was dependent on one non-EU parent with no right of residence; circumstances in which the state must ensure a careful process of enquiry. [read post]
1 Nov 2010, 10:38 am by Craig Livermore
 For example, the New Jersey Supreme Court’s 20 Abbott v. [read post]