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16 Dec 2007, 9:40 am
"The Judgment Power": William Baude has this article (SSRN abstract with link for download) forthcoming in The Georgetown Law Journal. [read post]
10 Feb 2017, 8:46 am
Access the contents of the February 2017 issue of the Harvard Law Review: Via this link, containing (among other things) an article titled "The Law of Interpretation," by law professors William Baude and Stephen E. [read post]
3 Feb 2015, 9:45 am
"The Supreme Court's Secret Decisions": Law professor William Baude has this op-ed in today's edition of The New York Times. [read post]
5 Mar 2014, 11:36 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Will Baude at TheVolokh Conspiracy follows up on his earlier post critical of the Ninth Circuit's berating of an assistant US Attorney at oral argument into confessing error. [read post]
5 May 2022, 8:32 am by Howard Bashman
“Marshal Law”: You can access yesterday’s new episode of the “Divided Argument” podcast, featuring law professors Will Baude and Dan Epps, via this link. [read post]
1 Nov 2014, 7:06 pm
"Abortion law upheld by minority vote": Will Baude has this post today at "The Volokh Conspiracy. [read post]
17 Mar 2015, 7:58 am
" Law professor William Baude has this op-ed in today's edition of The New York Times. [read post]
19 Dec 2015, 6:27 am
"Tinkering with the Tax Court": Daniel Hemel (with an assist from Will Baude) had this post yesterday at "The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog. [read post]
31 Jul 2022, 10:54 am by Howard Bashman
“I Say ‘Timbre'”: You can access yesterday’s new episode of the “Divided Argument” podcast, featuring Dan Epps and Will Baude, via this link. [read post]
7 Jan 2015, 6:02 am
" Law professor William Baude has posted this paper online at SSRN (via "Election Law Blog"). [read post]
21 Nov 2019, 10:54 am by Howard Bashman
“FedSoc is a They, not an It”: William Baude has this post at the new “Summary, Judgment” blog. [read post]
19 Aug 2014, 4:30 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Will Baude has this interesting post at The Volokh Conspiracy, offering but not endorsing the following arguments: 1, sometimes police officers are doing sensitive tasks that would be undermined by publicity, like meeting with confidential informants. 2, bystanders with cameras... [read post]
21 Nov 2017, 5:04 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Will Baude has this interesting post at The Volokh Conspiracy, applying the theory he and James Stern offered in the Harvard Law Review to this particular controversy. [read post]
28 Jan 2007, 9:55 am
Will Baude finds a passage in Supreme Conflict that, if true, shows a disturbing lack of wisdom in the Bush nominating team. [read post]
24 Oct 2018, 8:34 am by Howard Bashman
” William Baude has this post at the “Balkinization” blog. [read post]