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8 Jan 2012, 4:25 pm by INFORRM
David Allen Green reports here for the New Statesman. [read post]
22 Aug 2023, 5:01 am by Rob Robinson
HBR Consulting, LAC Group, and Wilson Allen Relaunch as Harbor HBR Consulting, LAC Group, and Wilson Allen today announced the launch of Harbor, an expert services provider across strategy, legal technology, operations, and intelligence. [read post]
6 Oct 2011, 4:37 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
First, Troy con- tends that the district court erred as a matter of law by giving two improper Allen charges, named for Allen v. [read post]
10 Aug 2011, 2:41 pm by David Ward
Like you, I have different roles in life and many projects for each of those roles, as well as single "next actions" (as Allen describes them). [read post]
23 Sep 2006, 7:55 am
They're probably intimidated by the system and feel they won't get a fair shake. [read post]
8 Mar 2018, 7:57 am by John Elwood
That case presents the same issue as do Allen v. [read post]
25 Sep 2013, 8:20 pm by Daniel B. Cohen
When you dig in urban areas, he says, ‘All you’re doing is stirring up lead, arsenic, all the bad guys in the soil. [read post]
10 Jul 2007, 5:14 am
" Here's the entire list; the top 5 firms are: Allen & Overy Clifford Chance Linklaters Eversheds Wragge & Co. [read post]
5 Sep 2020, 8:44 am by familoo
In fact I think David Allen Green touches upon this in his review when he says : Fake Law is mostly concerned with the far broader perils that flow from a deficient public understanding of the law, and may sometimes seem to be conflating two problems—the cynicism of those who want to abuse the law, as well as those who simply don’t understand it. [read post]
20 May 2010, 5:15 am by Mandelman
If you aren’t already familiar with Johnson, you’re in for a real treat. [read post]
11 Jun 2008, 8:40 am
Now we’re going to do a ten second experiment. [read post]
28 Jan 2015, 3:32 pm by Danny O'Brien and Nadia Kayyali
Leider ist es nicht einfach, Gesetze oder Richtlinien anzufertigen, die dies verhindern, ohne Zensur durch Regierungen und Unternehmen oder die Verletzung der Privatsphäre mit sich zu bringen – die Privatsphäre und Meinungsfreiheit der Opfer eingeschlossen. [read post]
25 Dec 2022, 2:14 am by Aaron L. Nielson
In In re Dolly Varden Chocolate Co., decided in 1924, the Court reiterated that “the words ‘Merrie Christmas’ [do] not to constitute a valid technical trade-mark for ribbon. [read post]
29 Jan 2012, 4:07 pm by INFORRM
In December, David Allen Green reported on the letter-before-action here. [read post]
11 Jan 2016, 10:45 am by Rechtsanwalt Martin Steiger
Im Besonderen betroffen sind das Recht auf Schutz der Privatsphäre (Art. 13 BV und Art. 8 EMRK) und das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung. [read post]
17 Oct 2015, 5:29 am by Schachtman
In re Paoli RR Yard PCB Litig., 35 F.3d 717, 745 (3d Cir. 1994). [read post]