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22 Jul 2008, 9:34 am by Phillip V. Marano
Marano, WORLD TRADEMARK REVIEW DAILY, regular co-author / contributor:Vodka and Wine Are Unrelated, Says TTAB (November 17, 2009).Trademark Owners Urged to Beware of Phoneword Disputes (July 31, 2009).Proposal for eUDRP Released for Public Comment (July 23, 2009).Test for Descriptiveness Clarified in URBANHOUZING Case (June 26, 2009).PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSInternational Trademark Association (INTA)American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)American Bar Association… [read post]
5 Nov 2018, 4:07 pm by David Frakt
 After nearly not getting provisional approval from the ABA in part because of valid concerns over admitted student credentials, UNT-Dallas has significantly tightened admissions standards. [read post]
28 Apr 2015, 9:30 am by azatty
Department of Labor Secretary Tom Perez meets with Arizona high school students who won first place in the ABA’s 2015 Magna Carta video competition, April 2015. [read post]
13 Feb 2024, 6:00 am by Sarah Friedman
The following is a guest post by Katlin Kiefer, a former intern with the Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress. [read post]
There is also the ABA Women Rainmakers, an active group within the Law Practice Division which puts on programs for women lawyers, organizes rainmaking circles, and provides additional resources about women lawyers and marketing. [read post]
21 Jan 2010, 11:00 am by Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq.
Cardozo School of Law has the honor of hosting the ABA Law Student Division Region 2 Client Counseling Competition on Sunday, February 14, 2010. [read post]
6 Apr 2012, 12:34 pm by Cari Rincker
The CLE is geared towards the private practitioner but attorneys, law students, and non-attorneys in other segments of the industry are certainly welcome. [read post]
28 Apr 2009, 12:27 pm
Dean of Students Mitch Bailin will be sending to you this week detailed information about options available through the ABA Law Student Division and, as well as more information about extending coverage through the student Premier Plan. [read post]
24 Apr 2010, 5:01 am by Rebecca Tushnet
For students this can be very influential. [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 8:43 pm by TDot
I’m currently blogging from the confines of a hotel room here in Williamsburg Virginia,1 home to the William & Mary Law School that will be hosting the ABA Law Student Division Spring meeting for the 4th Circuit this weekend.2 I’ll be filling in for NCCU Law‘s SBA President, who is currently in Washington DC battling the lawyerly hordes as part of the Luke Charles Moore Invitational. [read post]
20 Jan 2012, 7:11 am by The Editors
The ABA Young Lawyers’ Division is holding its annual Law Day video competition, open to students, student groups and classes attending a public or private high school or being home schooled, within the United States. [read post]
6 Sep 2013, 3:17 pm by Harold O'Grady
The idea was contained in a revision of the standards for accreditation of law schools by the ABA. [read post]
5 May 2022, 11:33 am by Samuel Bray
It grew bulky and complex for no good reason, until finally it reached the form in which countless students of equity in law schools have had to learn about it? [read post]
20 Jan 2012, 8:31 am by Tara Mospan
Jarmon’s ABA Student Lawyer article titled “Exam Review Begins Now” on the ABA Student Division website (requires sign-in). [read post]
21 Aug 2008, 6:19 pm
Adopted 110 Replaces the Judicial Division Standards Relating to Juror Use and Management with the ABA Principles for Juries and Jury Trials, adopted February 2005. [read post]
22 Jul 2013, 7:17 am by Law Librarian
As law students and future attorneys, here are some groups that you might consider joining, for both networking and information purposes (this list is nowhere near exhaustive): ABA Young Lawyers Division Just Law Jobs DRI – The Voice of the Defense Bar Corporate Lawyer Network National Bar Association Network Leadership for Lawyers INHOUSE LEGAL Solo Attorney Practitioner’s Forum Law Student Career Network You can also… [read post]
26 Jan 2021, 7:18 am by Bob Ambrogi
The portal provides volunteer lawyers and law students with a centralized location to search and sign up for pro bono opportunities across the state. [read post]