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8 Nov 2022, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission), Akhil Amar explored the more general phenomenon of words and phrases that recur in the Constitution. [read post]
12 Mar 2007, 8:20 am
Dowling has an essay entitled "Amar for Justice: Why Yale Law Professor Akhil Amar Belongs on the Supreme Court. [read post]
29 Oct 2023, 1:25 pm by Michael Froomkin
Professors Vikram Amar and Akhil Amar have submitted one of the best amicus briefs I’ve ever read. [read post]
As Amar put it, “‘[e]mpower’ does not mean ‘require;’ rather, it means to create the power to do or not do something” (emphasis in original). [read post]
22 Feb 2018, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
As my brother and Yale Law Professor Akhil Amar put the point many years ago: “In the end, individual [and minority group] rights in our system are . [read post]
16 May 2022, 4:00 am by James Romoser
Wade (Akhil Reed Amar, The Wall Street Journal) Why Roe v. [read post]
15 Sep 2022, 9:53 am by Farrah Nagrampa
If you are interested in further reading: The Constitution Today: Timeless Lessons for the Issues of Our Era by Akhil Reed Amar. [read post]
9 Jul 2014, 1:10 pm by Andrew Hamm
  Akhil Amar of Yale University will deliver the lecture. [read post]
26 Dec 2012, 7:43 am by Conor McEvily
” C-SPAN previews an upcoming “Book TV” episode that includes a conversation with Justice Thomas, as well as interviews with Akhil Reed Amar, Richard Sander, Dale Carpenter, and Jeffrey Toobin. [read post]
18 Dec 2007, 12:05 am
Graber Contributors: Akhil Reed Amar, Yale University * James H. [read post]
6 Aug 2021, 9:30 pm by ernst
Joel Seligman reviews Akhil Reed Amar’s The Words That Made Us in the Los Angeles Review of Books. [read post]
19 Feb 2014, 3:26 pm by Bruce Ackerman
We the People: The Civil Rights Revolution is coming out next week, and the Yale Law Journal will be celebrating its publication with a two-day Symposium on  The Meaning of the Civil Rights Revolution.Here's the line-up:Friday, February 28:1:10-1:30: Introduction by Dean Robert Post1:30 – 3:50 Constitutional Change and the Role of Courts (chaired by Jack Balkin)Randy Barnett, We the People: Each and Every OneJustin Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric, Judicial… [read post]
3 Oct 2015, 6:30 am by Karen Tani
The National Archives in conjunction with Consource continues its conversation with US Supreme Court justices, moderated by Akhil Reed Amar, Yale Law School, with Justice Samuel Alito, at 7PM on Thursday, October 29, in the William G. [read post]
23 Aug 2018, 5:50 pm by JB
Moreover, doing so would only bump me up two or three slots in his lists.However, the lesson here is that if you have ever written under more than one name (whether first or last), you should let Greg Sisk know in advance.There are, however, some amusing effects of using the correct citation counts.First, updating this list of most cited originalist scholars courtesy of Michael Ramsey, I am now the most cited originalist in the American legal academy.Second, among the top five most cited originalist… [read post]
11 Jul 2024, 2:28 pm by Ian Ayres
Akhil Amar has pointed out that George Washington was father of our country in part because he did not have children of his own (and hence would have less temptation to instigate their succession). [read post]
17 Aug 2018, 6:27 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
Yale University 2160 Constitutional Law, Legislation 67 7 Akhil Amar Yale University 1600 Constitutional Law 60 8 Thomas Merrill Columbia University 1595 Administrative, Constitutional, and Property Law 69 9 Mark Tushnet Harvard University 1590 Constitutional Law, Legal History 72 10 Jack M. [read post]
20 Aug 2021, 10:30 pm by Karen Tani
  Akhil Reed Amar’s The Words That Made Us: America’s Constitutional Conversation, 1760-1840, is reviewed in the Roanoke Times.The fall 2021 line-up in the Washington History Seminar is out. [read post]
16 Jul 2015, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
” As Yale law professor (and my older brother) Akhil Amar put the point: “Several of the most important [liberal] victories that you see are simply the Court blinking at the extremism of certain [conservative] claims that were being put before it. [read post]
31 Mar 2020, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
., selective service conscription).In this regard, harken back to what another prominent constitutional scholar, Akhil Amar (my older brother), wrote about Obamacare in 2012: The next terrorist attack might very well be biological. . . . [read post]
17 Apr 2019, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
The three recent pickups mean that 14 states (plus DC, which is not a state but which participates in the electoral college) have adopted; these 15 jurisdictions represent 189 electors—70% of the needed 270.In 2001, in some academic writings, my brother (and fellow law professor) Akhil Amar and I—and, separately, another law professor, Robert Bennett—laid out the intellectual foundations of this plan that would move the country close to having a national popular… [read post]