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25 Oct 2010, 9:10 am
• The Presidents of DRI who have gone before me • The Officers of our sister organizations: • Tom and Ann Cordell and Jan and Mike Neil of the FDCC • Frankie and Martha Colon, and George and Carolyn Walker of the ADTA • Joe and Mary Pat Ryan, and Bill and Jane Perry of the IADC • Chuck Stewart and the Annual Meeting Steering Committee • The Tri- State Defense Lawyers and Northeast Region • The… [read post]
8 May 2008, 11:18 am
Mary Anne Wiley, one of Governor Perry's key criminal justice advisors in his General Counsel's office, is speaking now about some past collaborative work involving the Governor's office, legislators, and advocates and looking to future work. [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 6:18 pm
Rick Perry's talk about secession didn't go very far. [read post]
7 Oct 2008, 12:55 am
Authored by: Anne B. [read post]
29 Jun 2018, 4:17 am
Additional coverage comes from Ann Flaherty at the Associated Press, Robert Barnes for The Washington Post, Lyle Denniston at Constitution Daily, here and here, Amanda Reilly at E&E News, Ariel Wittenberg, also at E&E News, an NPR Politics podcast, Scott Bomboy at Constitution Daily, and David Lat at Above the Law. [read post]
6 Jan 2008, 11:40 am
R Brigid Duffy, Family Court R Harvey Gruber, Henderson Justice Court Dept. 3 Ann Purser, Henderson Justice Court Dept. 3 David Linn, Las Vegas Justice Court Dept. 12 Marsha Kimble-Simms, North Las Vegas Dept. 3 In addition, Troy Peyton withdrew as a candidate for Dept. 23 and Nancy Allf withdrew as a candidate for Dept. 25 Susan Scann withdrew from the Dept. 8 race and is now running in Dept. 25 Robert Beckett, 5th JD (Pahrump) William Schaeffer 6th JD (Battle Mountain) Kent Maher 6th JD… [read post]
30 Apr 2015, 7:00 am
Capote spent six years writing the book, which examines the relationship between the killers, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, and the events in their lives that ultimately led them to commit the brutal crime. [read post]
7 Aug 2013, 5:37 am
Rick Perry on May 27 as insurance commissioner, said she had not had the time to study Darwin’s analysis, but planned to meet with him and Rod Bordelon, chief of the state Workers’ Compensation Commission, to assess the current system. [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 5:05 am
Anne Soy reports for BBC News. [read post]
27 Apr 2012, 5:56 am
Anne Emanuel Population 485 by Michael Perry. [read post]
9 Oct 2018, 5:02 am
Is illegality of contingent-fee contract under Texas Gov’t Code § 82.065 arbitrable? [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 10:29 pm
Company sought to divert DTPA case against it to arbitration when court wouldn't dismiss it in its entirety. [read post]
26 Mar 2018, 6:09 pm
Perry Homes v Cull. [read post]
26 Dec 2016, 4:30 am
Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, Steve Tyler, Lionel Richie and Garth Brooks were just some of music’s biggest names want to make it harder to pirate music online calling for “drastic reforms” to the Act.In [read post]
18 Oct 2018, 7:04 am
Perry, Town of Greece v. [read post]
24 Sep 2021, 8:08 am
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to: Anne Lucke, Library Director, Native American Rights Fund, [read post]
9 Nov 2020, 12:18 pm
Ann. [read post]
2 Jul 2018, 5:21 am
Looking more closely at specific potential nominees, Michael Kranish and Ann Marimow report for the Washington Post that Judge Brett Kavanaugh “has argued that presidents should not be distracted by civil lawsuits, criminal investigations or even questions from a prosecutor or defense attorney while in office. [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 1:55 pm
BBT, LLC (212 & 311); CLAUDE BROUSSEAU & ANN MARIE DUGRE (303); E & N, INC. (103); JOSEPH FERRARO (211); RICHARD & JANE KISEL (205); LEONARD MARNELL (207); JAR ENTERPRISES, LLC (105 & 108); L. [read post]
4 Oct 2023, 7:41 am
This repository contains a collection of information for researchers, journalists, educators, scholars, and the public at large. [read post]