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19 Jan 2011, 6:04 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Eric Turkewitz does not like Avvo's lawyer rating system, arguing that it is a rating system for self-promoting lawyers. [read post]
19 Jan 2011, 6:04 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Eric Turkewitz does not like Avvo's lawyer rating system, arguing that it is a rating system for self-promoting lawyers. [read post]
16 Jan 2011, 2:50 pm by Gideon
Eric Turkewitz mentioned her in his post on the heroes of the Arizona massacre, reminding us to celebrate the defense lawyer: Why celebrate the defense lawyer? [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 12:11 pm
Criminal opinion on social media evidence that might be applied in civil cases in Maryland (Byron Warnken) A theory on why a police officer would give a ticket to a 13 year-old girl in the hospital (Eric Turkewitz). [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 12:11 pm by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Criminal opinion on social media evidence that might be applied in civil cases in Maryland (Byron Warnken) A theory on why a police officer would give a ticket to a 13 year-old girl in the hospital (Eric Turkewitz). [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 12:11 pm
Criminal opinion on social media evidence that might be applied in civil cases in Maryland (Byron Warnken) A theory on why a police officer would give a ticket to a 13 year-old girl in the hospital (Eric Turkewitz). [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 12:11 pm by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Criminal opinion on social media evidence that might be applied in civil cases in Maryland (Byron Warnken) A theory on why a police officer would give a ticket to a 13 year-old girl in the hospital (Eric Turkewitz). [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 6:22 am by NBlack
There are a few shining stars that stand out from the rest, however, including The Pop Tort and Eric Turkewitz’s New York Personal Injury Law Blog. [read post]
4 Jan 2011, 9:44 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Eric Turkewitz underscores the insanity of caps on damages in California. [read post]
4 Jan 2011, 9:44 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
Eric Turkewitz underscores the insanity of caps on damages in California. [read post]
3 Jan 2011, 5:49 pm by Joe Consumer
Also a special shout out to our friends who shared the honor of landing in the top 100, also in the "torts" category, including Bill Marler, food safety litigator extraordinaire and Eric Turkewitz, who covers New York issues with great aplomb. [read post]
3 Jan 2011, 5:49 pm by Joe Consumer
Also a special shout out to our friends who shared the honor of landing in the top 100, also in the "torts" category, including Bill Marler, food safety litigator extraordinaire and Eric Turkewitz, who covers New York issues with great aplomb. [read post]
29 Dec 2010, 10:16 pm by Jim Walker
  But most of the criticism is from lawyers who were pissed that they were not selected - like New York personal injury lawyer Eric Turkewitz who complained bitterly several years ago that the ABA Journal ignored personal injury lawyers. [read post]
22 Dec 2010, 2:57 am by SHG
  And yet, that's how it happens.Via Eric Turkewitz at his ever-excellent New York Personal Injury Law Blog, and John Hochfelder's very thorough New York Injury Cases Blog, a 32-year-old single woman lost a breast to a modified radical mastectomy. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 12:53 pm by Mark Herrmann
Eric Turkewitz, for example, writes a solid blog in the personal injury fie [read post]
6 Dec 2010, 6:13 am by Walter Olson
Blogs proliferate on the hot legal area of employment class actions [Trask] Disgraced class-actioneer Bill Lerach has an online column now [John Frith/CJAC, HuffPo] A brief history of law blogging [Alex Aldridge, LegalWeek UK] Milestones: Drug and Device Law Blog reaches fourth anniversary (more, Abnormal Use) and Eric Turkewitz reflects on his 1000th post. [read post]
4 Dec 2010, 11:51 pm by emagraken
 While Eric Turkewitz’s New York Personal Injury Attorney Blog does not necessarily contain much (if any) Canadian content, he hands down authors one of the best personal injury blogs in the US and (to steal a line from the formidable Kevin O’Keefe) if he keeps it up much longer he may just give personal injury lawyers a good name. 6) EuroCan Connection Awards – This award recognizes European law blog friends who highlight and link to Canadian law blogs.… [read post]
2 Dec 2010, 8:40 am by jamison
Congratulations (in alphabetical order) to Gideon of A Public Defender, Mark Pryor of DA Confidential, Mark Bennett of Defending People, Carolyn Elefant of MyShingle, Eric Turkewitz of New York Personal Injury Law Blog, Mirriam Seddiq of Not Guilty, and Scott Greenfield of Simple Justice. [read post]