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19 Jul 2011, 7:16 am
They really have no idea how tenacious I can be, and I will ultimately get them because they’re a bunch of idiots. [read post]
2 Jul 2021, 9:44 am
via We're becoming like South America and for a while there, we weren't. [read post]
4 Dec 2023, 6:30 am
A well-recognized example is the 1980s hostile takeover era, as summarized by Delaware Chancellor William Allen: “the secure ground upon which the accepted suppositions of corporation law had been premised[, up to the late 1970s, had broken] apart. [read post]
4 Dec 2023, 6:30 am
A well-recognized example is the 1980s hostile takeover era, as summarized by Delaware Chancellor William Allen: “the secure ground upon which the accepted suppositions of corporation law had been premised[, up to the late 1970s, had broken] apart. [read post]
9 Mar 2011, 6:31 am
Many of us at Fastcase are followers of David Allen, author of “Getting Things Done” (referred to as “GTD” in some of the geeky circles we travel in) – a 259 page paperback about how to organize work flow and personal efficiency. [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 10:53 am
" "You mean they're turning down $10 million? [read post]
2 Aug 2009, 4:09 pm
All too often, when we're marketing ourselves and our firms, we talk too much. [read post]
12 Jun 2009, 9:13 am
In re James Allen Hall, No. 07-0322 (DocketDB) Most attorneys never encounter it, but the Texas Supreme Court does have jurisdiction over a special slice of criminal law — juvenile justice cases. [read post]
4 Sep 2014, 9:17 am
The post Pedestrian Safety: Traffic Accidents Killing Pedestrians Every 2 Hours appeared first on Ken Allen Law Blog. [read post]
16 Feb 2013, 4:57 am
General Manager George Allen announced recently that D.C. [read post]
16 Feb 2023, 6:13 am
It would be nice if justice didn't need speculators to function, but if this is the system we're sticking with, it's nice that they're there. [read post]
27 Dec 2023, 5:38 am
In 'The Flash,' Barry Allen (the hero’s alter ego) has to explain to an alternate version of himself that they can’t keep manipulating the time stream. 'These worlds,' Barry says, looking at the C.G.I. representations of space and time around him, 'they’re colliding and collapsing.' 'We did this,' he continues. 'We’re destroying the fabric of everything.'"From "Is This the Endgame for the… [read post]
5 Feb 2023, 11:01 am
" AND: It seems as though Sam Smith has embraced the old Woody Allen answer to the question "Is sex dirty? [read post]
18 Feb 2014, 8:30 am
I will pause here, as I am sure you’re laughing at my simple-minded question. [read post]
27 Jul 2009, 11:01 pm
Stanford Mtn Re Jail Conditions [read post]
24 Feb 2009, 6:33 am
The first of these is available now: 'How In-house Departments Can Save 20%,' featuring Jane Allen. [read post]
20 Jun 2011, 11:25 am
”(To add insult to injury (or injury to insult), after a tribunal in the UK dismissed Deidre Dare’s case, Allen & Overy sent her a bill for £70,000.00 in tax refunds that were paid to her in 2007, 2008, and 2009, which the firm claims should have been paid to A&O.)If you’re thinking about donating to her cause, you can get a sense of her writing style from the complaint, available below. [read post]
4 Mar 2009, 10:04 am
Allen was driving his motorcycle. [read post]
26 Nov 2008, 12:57 pm
That decision more appropriately rests with Allen County voters, who can decide for themselves - if the judge faces any opposition when he runs for re-election in 2010. [read post]
4 Oct 2012, 6:36 am
Allen told Fox 19, “I think they presume that people that are driving through there that are clocked … are guilty and you’re supposed to be presumed innocent. [read post]