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6 Jul 2016, 6:00 am by Jonathan Bailey
Royal assent, which would bring the bill into law, may be possible in early as 2017. 2: Google Twists the Knife, Asks for Sanctions Against Oracle Attorney Next up today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that Google, not satisfied with just winning their recent trial against Oracle, is asking the court the grant them sanctions as attorneys representing Oracle disclosed a private relationship Google had with Apple by speaking about it in an open court. [read post]
23 May 2013, 8:01 am by Jonathan Bailey
The verdict amount was based on the alleged profits Frontier earned from the infringements and the judgment also ordered Frontier to destroy any infringing materials still in its possession. 3: Identity Theft Lawsuit Against Prenda Law Abruptly Ends Finally today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that Prenda Law may have scored at least two minor victories as it has been able to bring an end to an identity theft case against it and exit two other cases successfully. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 4:51 am by Ray Garcia
Janette Boatman, John Cody, Christopher Bray, Micheal Koch, Rodney Cadwell, Sarah Block, Joe Bueno, Tamara Price, Tammy Saleh, Paul Hunt, Yvette Day, Jose Bueno, Bernice Thell, Steven Kane, Scott Anderson Dorey Coebel, Sarah Rubin, Amy Payment, Joseph Alvarado, Pam Anderson, Sheri Bongaarts, Jason Dreher, Tammy Brooks-Saleh, Etsuko Kabeya,Teresa Debaker, Jacqueline Brown, Peggy Glass, Paul Bruha, lindsey Lesch, Hari Charagundla, Robyn Colburn, Frank Coon, Cathy Hagstrom, Julie Coon, Jeremy… [read post]
10 Nov 2008, 4:01 pm
Fleming •, Renner Otto Boisselle & Sklar, LLP (Cleveland, OH)Joe Mullin • The Prior Art, IP Law & Business Magazine (San Francisco, CA)Michael C. [read post]
25 Oct 2008, 5:05 pm
Joe Lobbins    Western District of Tennessee at Memphis [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 8:13 am
At the Am Law Daily, Joe Mullin recaps yesterday’s oral arguments in Bilski v. [read post]
5 Aug 2014, 8:41 am by Jonathan Bailey
” 2: Appeals court: Shell Game Over, Prenda Law Must Pay Sanctions in Full Next up today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that Prenda Law has suffered a costly setback with an Appeals Court upholding a $287,000 sanction against them and accusing the accused copyright “troll” of playing legal “shell games”. [read post]
2 Oct 2013, 10:19 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: Prenda’s John Steele: Accused of Identity Theft by His Own Mother-in-Law First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that controversial bulk piracy litigation firm Prenda Law was in a Minnesota courtroom yesterday and John Steele, the lawyer widely believed to be the head of the firm, took the stand in his own defense. [read post]
7 Jan 2011, 11:55 am by Venkat
First, Joe Mullin covered the story at paidContent ("Court To AFP: Pics Aren’t Free Just Because They’re On Twitter"), and AFP's lawyers made some striking comments: AFP’s attorney, Joshua Kaufman of Venable LLP, contacted me today and said his client will continue to litigate this case. [read post]
7 Mar 2017, 6:00 am by Jonathan Bailey
Despite this setback, Facebook still says the lawsuit is without merit and that they disagree with the decision. 3: It’s Finally Over: Mastermind Behind Prenda Law Porn Trolls Pleads Guilty Finally today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that, after a six-year battle, Prenda Law attorney John Steele has admitted that he and his co-defendant Paul Hansmeier operated a “honey pot” scheme to entrap and sue pirates unlawfully. [read post]
24 Aug 2012, 7:12 pm by Dennis Crouch
" Notes: Joe Mullin, one of the top IP journalists, covers the story for ArsTechnica here. [read post]
3 Dec 2013, 10:48 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: Judge: MPAA Can’t Call Hotfile Founders “Pirates” or “Thieves” at Trial First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that the judge in the MPAA’s case against Hotfile has decided that the MPAA can not use terms such as “piracy”, “theft” or “steal” in their upcoming trial against the cyberlocker service Hotfile. [read post]
1 Apr 2008, 9:58 am
***Separately, note that Joe Mullin wrote in the priorartblog on 25 Feb:Today Frenkel had no comment beyond his post. [read post]
25 May 2016, 6:00 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: Google’s Closing Argument: Android was Built from Scratch, the Fair Way First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that Google and Oracle presented their closing arguments in the Java lawsuit on Monday and, with them, turned the case over to the jury for what is now the second time. [read post]
24 Apr 2014, 8:39 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: Prenda-Linked Lawyers Pulled in $4.4M but Now Say They’re Broke First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that lawyers linked to the controversial law firm Prenda Law have pleaded poverty to avoid paying sanctions. [read post]
23 May 2016, 6:45 am by Jonathan Bailey
Google Draws to a Close, Jury Sent Home Until Next Week First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that the presentation of evidence has ended at the Oracle v. [read post]
26 Mar 2014, 9:49 am by Jonathan Bailey
Further, Tarantino alleges that there may be a connection between the uploader of the file and Gawker and that the users who viewed the script online likely did commit copyright infringement by downloading the script to their computers. 3: Supreme Court: Lexmark will Have to Stand Trial Over Old DMCA Threats Finally today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that The U.S. [read post]
20 May 2016, 6:00 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: Apache e-mails, shown in court, say Android “ripped off” Oracle IP First off today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that, at the Google/Oracle trial, Oracle called a hostile witness, namely Stefano Mazzocchi, one of the creators of the Apache Harmony program, which played a vital role in helping Google build its Android mobile operating system. [read post]
2 Jun 2009, 7:56 am
Here's Incisive Media Supreme Court correspondent Tony Mauro on the Court's grant of certiorari and here's Joe Mullin of IP Law & Business on hints various justices have dropped on how they're likely to rule. [read post]
9 Apr 2014, 8:38 am by Jonathan Bailey
It’s police force has been very active on intellectual property issues, including creating a database of infringing sites and other attempts to disrupt online infringement. 2: “Copyright Troll” Prenda Law Completely Bombs at Appeals Court Next up today, Joe Mullin at Ars Technica reports that Prenda Law’s date with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals did not go as they had hoped. [read post]