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11 Jul 2021, 8:41 am by Eric Goldman
” * Buzzfeed: “Mark Changed The Rules”: How Facebook Went Easy On Alex Jones And Other Right-Wing Figures * Kate Klonick, Inside the Making of Facebook’s Supreme Court * Technology Review: How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation Online Discrimination * Vargas v. [read post]
6 Dec 2009, 6:48 pm
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was about as exciting as watching them give haircuts on Saturday. [read post]
15 Dec 2022, 9:05 pm by Katelynn Catalano
Supreme Court declined to block a California ban on flavored tobacco products, such as menthol cigarettes. [read post]
10 Jun 2019, 3:58 am by Edith Roberts
” At American Greatness, Ken Masugi calls Justice Clarence Thomas’ “reply to the leading threat to the principles of the Declaration of Independence” in abortion case Box v. [read post]
29 Sep 2014, 6:07 am by Amy Howe
” [Disclosure:  Goldstein & Russell, P.C., represents the petitioners in Kirby v. [read post]
19 Apr 2008, 8:50 am
(One managing partner recounted being faced with a near insurrection among half a dozen partners when he had the temerity to relocate their Washington, DC office by all of one short city block. [read post]
24 Jun 2018, 4:41 pm by INFORRM
In the context of Bell Media’s continual lobbying for website blocking Michael Geist has analysed the recent move of George Brown College President Anne Sado in supporting the blocking plan. [read post]
19 Jun 2018, 10:26 pm by Randazza
" In the same week, Trump lost a case that says that the "interactive space" in his tweets is a "public forum" and thus he can't block people who criticize him. [read post]