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29 Jul 2008, 8:49 pm
While some of the results are for pages that contain information about me (my linkedin profile, a couple blog posts by Kevin O’Keefe, etc), the interesting part was that Cuil took the liberty of inserting photos OVER the search results. [read post]
28 Oct 2007, 10:48 pm
And see Kevin O';Keefe's interview with Lori last month. [read post]
20 Jan 2009, 1:37 am
  It's all about the name.Kevin O'Keefe and I have discussed blog-naming a few times, including during a panel discussion at the City Bar. [read post]
8 Mar 2010, 9:33 pm by Daniel Schwartz
With nationally-recognized speakers (Ross Kodner, Kevin O'Keefe, Brent Robertson, Professor Jane Moriarty, Wesley Horton and Robert Ambrogi to name drop a few) and local expert attorneys, the symposium will discuss how each generation is embracing (or shunning) these changes and how each generation is using (and can use) different tools to accomplish the same goals. [read post]
18 Aug 2008, 2:59 am
Updates Check out Kevin O&;#8217;Keefe’s recent post on how the Growing use of Internet search engines represents golden opportunity for law blogs. [read post]
19 Dec 2010, 10:51 am by Garry J. Wise, Wise Law Office, Toronto
Law Talk - In Conversation with Kevin O'Keefe (8 retweets) There will be more seasonal fare in the week ahead, no doubt, including our 2010 CLawBie nominations, so please do stay tuned.And thank you so much for visiting and tweeting us in 2010.- Garry J. [read post]
15 Dec 2009, 2:29 pm by Adrian Lurssen
Facebook Could Learn a Thing or Two from LinkedIn's Faceted Search - article by Mashable about the value of faceted search filtering on LinkedIn, a new development on the site.LinkedIn for Business: Using LinkedIn Answers - video by Rich Brooks explaining how to jump into LinkedIn's "Answers" feature (includes monitoring Q&A via RSS).LinkedIn Mobile - a resource from LinkedIn, when you're ready to go mobile via iPhone or Blackberry.How… [read post]
3 Jun 2011, 2:52 am by SHG
Not a cloud in the sky.My buddy, Kevin O'Keefe, was chairing the event, which was good news. [read post]
2 Jan 2009, 10:15 pm
  So I emailed Matt and urged him to give his blawg a real name, maybe something like "Arizona Crime Guys," along the Kevin O';Keefe theory of naming blawgs based on something that works well with search engines. [read post]
28 Nov 2008, 7:07 am
  But Kevin's point is clear. [read post]
14 Oct 2009, 4:00 am
Live Webinar: Why Twitter Matters to Lawyers Essay: Smart Lawyers Will Use Twitter for Client Development Kevin O'Keefe, founder of LexBlog 1 p.m. [read post]
12 May 2009, 6:49 am
  Kevin O'Keefe wrote a post discussing the importance of relationship building for lawyers online. [read post]
24 Dec 2008, 10:58 pm
  Here are some of their names.Mark Bennett, Dan Hull, David Giacalone, Kevin O'Keefe, Susan Cartier Leibel, Gideon. [read post]
16 Jun 2008, 8:03 am
(Basically, And if you are still unsure about what I am saying about these particular platforms and the impression they make, check out a timely post by Kevin O'Keefe of Lexblog as to why he thinks Blogger or Blogspot just doesn't cut it as a business marketing tool. [read post]
27 Jun 2012, 6:06 pm by Kirk Jenkins
Last month, I joined a panel discussion on blogging during a PLI program on social media led by LexBlog's Kevin O'Keefe. [read post]
6 Dec 2009, 7:50 am
Kevin O’Keefe has been posting for years on how lawyers should embrace social media. [read post]
26 Jun 2007, 4:48 pm
Golden contacted LexBlog founder and president Kevin O’Keefe, who passed her request along to Greg Storey of Airbag Industries. [read post]
25 Nov 2007, 11:20 pm
Kevin O'Keefe asks and answers this question, can the number of law blogs reach a "saturation point", with "Well done law blogs are no more likely to reach the saturate point than social interaction with other people". [read post]
17 Mar 2008, 4:07 am
Lots of electrons have been spilled over the pros and cons of anonymous blogging – blog guru Kevin O'Keefe is no fan of anonymous blogging, whereas the anonymous editor of Blawg Review provides a great service to both the legal and the blogging communities with the weekly Blawg Review, despite his anonymity.Anonymous blogging is not the problem. [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 10:38 am by Daniel Schwartz
Partner, Raymond & Bennett LLC, Glastonbury, CT Kevin O'Keefe, Chief Operating Officer & Publisher, LexBlog, Seattle, WA Brent Robertson, President & Chief Creative Officer, Fathom, Hartford, CT Lunch Session: "Would Lincoln Get LinkedIn? [read post]