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11 May 2011, 3:36 pm by Barco Reference Librarian
The Library of Congress recently launched the "National Jukebox: Historical Recordings from the Library of Congress. [read post]
22 Feb 2018, 10:00 pm
The school shooting last week in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 students and staff dead, has rocked schools across the nation. [read post]
1 Jun 2022, 6:00 am by Siri Nelson
Federal days of observance are days, weeks, months, or other periods designated by the federal government for the commemoration or other observance of various events, activities, or topics. [read post]
4 Dec 2013, 4:57 am by Immigration Prof
The New York Times reports that the fast for immigration reform on the National Mall has ended: "A longtime labor leader and two other advocates of an immigration overhaul ended their water-only fasts on Tuesday in a tent on the... [read post]
28 Apr 2009, 12:58 pm
Other living philosophers who are Fellows are Brian Skyrms (UC Irvine) and... [read post]
21 May 2009, 8:29 am
According to a troubling report in the Wall Street Journal today, the United Nations (UN) is struggling to figure out how to better deal with sexual harrassment claims filed by employees against other employees. [read post]
18 May 2010, 8:41 am by By DEALBOOK
Fidelity National Information Services confirmed that it has ceased talks over a potential leveraged buyout, after DealBook and others reported that a group led by the Blackstone Group had withdrawn from negotiations. [read post]
15 Nov 2012, 12:59 pm by admin
Until China and other nations do this, software and app developers will continue to be the constant victims of theft and the forward march of innovation will be stunted. [read post]
On June 1, 2020, the National Continuing Care Residents Association (NaCCRA) released its public statement detailing the organization's opposition to COVID-19 immunity or waivers of liability for nursing homes, adding to the growing chorus of opposition. [read post]
16 Mar 2022, 7:44 am by Fred Rocafort
Yet in practice this is often of little import, as China’s prohibitions do not bind other countries, which can go ahead and grant nationality to Chinese immigrants. [read post]
12 Jun 2015, 6:00 am by hornlaw
The National Safety Council urges all drivers to celebrate and participate in National Safety Month. [read post]
16 Feb 2016, 7:16 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
“Today [February 16, 2016], CIA released about 750,000 pages of declassified intelligence papers, records, research files and other content which are now accessible through CIA’s Records Search Tool (CREST) at the National Archives in College Park, MD. [read post]
19 Dec 2012, 12:52 pm by Peggy Jarrett
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has that information in both map and chart form. [read post]
22 Feb 2022, 6:00 am by Robert Kraft
Your heart requires care and maintenance, the same as the other muscles in your body. [read post]
12 Apr 2013, 1:48 pm by Taryn Rucinski
  According to the 120-page report available here, "[t]he purpose of the Strategy is to inspire and enable natural resource professionals and other decision makers to take action to conserve the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants, and ecosystem functions, as well as the human uses and values these natural systems provide, in a changing climate." [read post]
30 Jun 2014, 6:38 am by Robert "Bobby" Gonzalez
Currently, there is a movement that proposes a total ban on commercial fishing within the park as well as other… Read more → The post Will a Popular South Florida National Park Soon Ban All Commercial fishing? [read post]
29 Jun 2020, 9:00 pm
From National Hat Day to National Donut Day, it seems that these days there is a celebration for just about everything. [read post]