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8 Feb 2024, 2:41 pm by Mark Walsh
Professor Seth Barrett Tillman, a New York native who teaches law at Maynooth University School of Law in Kildare, Ireland, has been thinking and writing about some of the issues around Section 3 since at least 2014, including his view that the president is not “an officer of the United States. [read post]
22 Mar 2024, 8:38 am by Josh Blackman
This brief, which is on behalf of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman and the Landmark Legal Foundation, contends that Special Counsel Jack Smith is not an "Officer of the United States. [read post]
10 Jul 2022, 9:36 am by Josh Blackman
(You can see all the briefs that Seth Barrett Tillman and I filed here.) [read post]
31 Dec 2021, 5:00 am by Josh Blackman
, 2021 University of Illinois Law Review Online 190 (2021) (with Seth Barrett Tillman). [read post]
27 Jun 2022, 11:30 am by Josh Blackman
In the Emoluments Clauses litigation, Seth Barrett Tillman and I discussed the  methodology to consider post-ratification history. [read post]
23 May 2024, 10:05 pm by Josh Blackman
Seth Barrett Tillman and I have written quite a bit about whether parties can seek affirmative relief under the Constitution in the absence of a federal cause of action. [read post]
26 Dec 2024, 9:24 pm by Josh Blackman
Seth Barrett Tillman and I responded that the President's exercise of discretion to not take certain action was not itself insurrection. [read post]
25 Mar 2022, 9:41 pm by Josh Blackman
During President Trump's second impeachment trial, Seth Barrett Tillman and I wrote that elected officials, including the President, retained their First Amendment right to freedom of speech. [read post]
20 Feb 2024, 2:16 pm by Josh Blackman
Trump prioritized this argument in his briefs to the Court, drawing primarily on the scholarship of Seth Barrett Tillman and his co-author, Josh Blackman. [read post]
19 Nov 2023, 3:46 am by SHG
But Josh Blackman and Seth Barrett Tillman made a fair historical and textual case that elected officials were not “officers,” and that included the president and vice president. [read post]
3 Apr 2024, 10:08 am by fjhinojosa
Hawaii was cited in the following article: Seth Barrett Tillman, What Court (If Any) Decided Ex Parte Merryman? [read post]
15 Dec 2024, 1:40 pm by Josh Blackman
My colleague Seth Barrett Tillman highlighted a passage from Judge Wynn's concurrence in the Emoluments Clauses en banc decision: Without a doubt, a lawsuit brought by the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia against the President of the United States catches attention outside the walls of the courthouse. [read post]
3 Jul 2024, 9:59 pm by Josh Blackman
" In a series of amicus briefs, Seth Barrett Tillman and I contended that these "official capacity" suits were not proper. [read post]
15 Sep 2024, 9:38 am by Josh Blackman
For sure, Barrett was not among them, as she would tell us in her concurrence. [read post]
4 Jan 2024, 12:50 pm by Josh Blackman
Worley] [This post is co-authored with Seth Barrett Tillman] Recently, James Heilpern and Michael T. [read post]
8 Jul 2024, 5:00 am by Josh Blackman
Nebraska, Justice Barrett rejected the validity of substantive cannons altogether. [read post]