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25 May 2020, 5:17 pm by Peter Mahler
The Company The above-described scenario played out in a lawsuit captioned Magarik v Kraus USA, Inc. [read post]
18 Feb 2014, 2:53 pm
 Though maybe you'll get personally whacked with a $11+ million tax bill once the company files for bankruptcy and isn't able to pay the IRS.Ouch.Lesson for the day:  If you have anything whatsoever to do with a company, make sure you pay the IRS. [read post]
12 Jul 2018, 12:49 pm by Suraj Vyas
Well, I have a new development for you: Earlier today, the Court of Appeals (Maryland's highest court) granted a writ of certiorari (meaning they granted review) in State of Maryland v. [read post]
11 Jun 2008, 5:39 am
Today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin reports "29 other state oppose ruling on ceded lands," about the amicus brief filed by the State of Washington and 28 other states urging the US Supreme Court to review the decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court in Office of Hawaiian Affairs v. [read post]
27 Jan 2013, 11:40 am
A former New York state prison guard received judgments totalling nearly $1 million in her sexual harassment suit against the state. [read post]
24 Dec 2008, 10:36 am
And since he's suing the government -- initially successfully -- for over a million dollars in damages in a regulatory takings action.Unfortunately for this particular Jerry McGuire, litigating against the government is even more complicated than negotiating with the Arizona Cardinals. [read post]