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3 Feb 2009, 4:27 am
If sustained after further fact resolution, the result would expose Deloitte US to crushing legal liabilityâ€â [read post]
17 Dec 2023, 4:04 am by Edward Smith
The complaint alleges that the seat belt design was defective and did not prevent the motorist from being crushed or partially ejected in a rollover accident. [read post]
18 Aug 2022, 1:27 am by Edward Smith
Crews with the Fairfield Fire Department arrived at the scene to discover that some people were trapped inside their vehicles, including a blue sedan that had the driver’s side panel crushed in. [read post]
28 Nov 2019, 10:23 am by Tom Smith
It expands a 2010 law signed by President Barack Obama that banned videos that show animals being crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled or subjected to other forms of torture. [read post]
24 Feb 2016, 7:15 pm by Tom Smith
But with Donald Trump already assured of a crushing victory over the rest of his competitors in Nevada, the keening alarm seemed an almost too on-the-nose expression of how poorly the night — and the past few days — had gone for Cruz. [read post]
30 Jul 2023, 9:02 am by Tom Smith
If the FBI is not too busy trying to crush the 1st Amendment, they should look into this. [read post]
8 Mar 2010, 6:17 am by (Ann Althouse)
By continuing to fight the wars that George Bush started, he has crushed the hope of the people who bought into the campaign abstraction "hope. [read post]
3 Apr 2024, 11:29 am by Chris Castle
— Support Jimmy Lai #FreeJimmyLai (@SupportJimmyLai) March 22, 2024 If you’re interested in how the Chinese Communist Party is crushing Hong Kong newspaperman Jimmy Lai, watch The Hong Konger and read Censorship Without Borders: The Second Great Takeaway [read post]
24 Nov 2009, 2:59 am
On this day in ... ... 1989 (20 years ago today), the leadership of Czechoslovakia -- 2 dozen members of the Communist Party who'd "called in the Soviet tanks in 1968 to crush the 'Prague Spring' reformers," "resigned to make way for democratic changes," the BBC reported. [read post]
5 Jul 2008, 7:35 pm
The latest innovation in Chinese crowd control:From Xinhua via our friends at China Car Times comes the above photo, showing Chinese counter-terrorism forces going through drills as they prepare to crush any dissent terror threat that might arise during next month's Olympic Games. [read post]
31 Dec 2006, 11:04 am
He denied there was a campaign on to crush the underground church movement and said underground churches that violate the law will be dealt with by police, not the Catholic Patriotic Association. [read post]
8 Nov 2006, 5:30 am
" And The Rapid City Journal reports today that "Judicial accountability amendment crushed. [read post]
2 Mar 2009, 10:24 pm
For justice seekers, this is crushing. [read post]
21 Jul 2018, 1:20 pm by lennyesq
The data is culled from questionnaires administered through about 50,000 smartphone apps, including Candy Crush and WeatherBug, as well as traditional landline calls. [read post]
28 Feb 2020, 6:33 am by Patrick A. Malone
Instead, the much-desired option of dying at home is proving to be stressful and draining to the extreme for families, and, when it comes to the dreaded loss of control involved with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, drug therapies seem elusive in a concerning and crushing way. [read post]
1 Oct 2016, 4:19 pm by Tom Smith
Russian warplanes and their Syrian government allies battered rebel-held areas in and around Aleppo on Saturday, and rebels and aid workers accused them of destroying one of the city's main hospitals and killing at least two patients.M10, the city's main trauma hospital, in eastern Aleppo, was struck as the United States and its allies urged Russia, which is trying to crush resistance to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to halt the bombing and reach a diplomatic resolution. [read post]