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20 Feb 2019, 2:54 am
[Eugene Volokh] Manuel Reyes, head of the Puerto Rico Food Marketing, Industry and Distribution Chamber, argues that policy shifts have heightened the costs of the Jones Act [Cato Daily Podcast with Caleb Brown, earlier] Battle of the Ilyas: Ilya Shapiro vs. [read post]
2 Apr 2010, 12:22 pm
(Eugene Volokh) Prof. [read post]
11 Oct 2017, 9:15 pm
Barry, author of Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul: Eugene Volokh gives a keynote speech on the “revolution in remedies” that is changing libel and privacy law, which “ties in with technological change” in the nature of media, over a period in which there has been virtually no change in the substantive doctrine of libel: Other panels include a discussion of the remarkable findings of a new Cato poll on free speech and presentations on a… [read post]
27 May 2020, 3:25 am
Artificial intelligence dodges a legal dart: “An Algorithm for Predicting Recidivism Isn’t a Product for Products Liability Purposes” [Eugene Volokh, Jim Beck] Powdered caffeine is hazardous stuff. [read post]
8 Sep 2017, 2:58 am
Bill advancing in California legislature would authorize jail for nursing home staff who “willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns” [Eugene Volokh, SB 219] “The FDA cannot get out of its own way on the issue of off-label communications. [read post]
3 Jan 2008, 7:24 am
Eugene Volokh passes along a question from a law review editor asking whether lawprofs would accept it if the law reviews banned the submission of articles in paper form and required the use of the electronic submission service.Apparently, law professors think there is a slight chance that the paper copy will get more of a look, and however small it is, it's worth going to a lot of extra trouble and expense.The question shouldn't be why to the lawprofs cling to it, but… [read post]
3 Apr 2010, 3:24 pm
(Eugene Volokh) A very strange bit of legal usage — in various Michigan statutes, for reasons that elude me, handicapped people were called “handicappers” from 1976 to 1998. [read post]
1 Dec 2013, 8:15 pm
Per Eugene Volokh‘s new article, a wide range of actors from landlords to employers to colleges to product manufacturers correctly see themselves as being at legal risk if they don’t surveill, probe, and share information about those they deal with: Gathering or disclosing information about people’s backgrounds, tendencies, and actions is increasingly inexpensive, and increasingly effective at helping avoid, interrupt, or deter harm. [read post]
17 Mar 2014, 9:15 pm
New WSJ op-ed by Eugene Volokh and my colleague Ilya Shapiro, with which I agree 100%: “We support the extension of marriage to same-sex couples. [read post]
29 May 2017, 9:05 pm
“There are about 10 to 20 [criminal libel] prosecutions each year throughout the country” [Eugene Volokh on criminal defamation complaint by Montana judge against election opponent who had accused him of misconduct] “Shutting down Fake News Could Move Us Closer to a Modern-Day ‘1984’” [Flemming Rose and Jacob Mchangama, Washington Post/Cato] Glad to be in America with our First Amendment: EU acts to adopt Europe-wide rules requiring social… [read post]
26 Aug 2009, 6:35 am
*Eugene Volokh, Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review (2nd ed. 2005). [read post]
3 May 2015, 9:05 pm
Yikes: Granby, Quebec, “moves to fine people insulting police on social media” [CBC] “Plaintiffs in foreign ‘hate speech’ lawsuit seeking to subpoena records from U.S. service providers” [Eugene Volokh] Visa for Dutch politician Geert Wilders aside, Reps. [read post]
27 Aug 2021, 10:29 am
At Volokh Conspiracy, Eugene Volokh flags a brief article that he coauthored with Adam Candeub that was recently published in the Journal of Free Speech Law. [read post]
22 Jul 2015, 1:55 pm
Eugene Volokh has reproduced it, minus the footnotes, in a series of posts at the Volokh Conspiracy. [read post]
15 Apr 2010, 12:23 pm
(Eugene Volokh) [UPDATE: Note the change in the legal analysis below.] [read post]
7 Sep 2011, 12:01 pm
( Eugene Volokh ) That seems to be Michigan law, at least according to Reardon v. [read post]
1 Apr 2012, 2:43 am
From Eugene Volokh (again). [read post]
10 Sep 2010, 6:02 am
That's the question raised by Eugene Volokh in his post and petition for certiorari in Herrera v. [read post]
6 Jan 2010, 3:40 am
Eugene Volokh thought the title to this post at Skating on Stilts was funny enough to warrant a post about the title alone: "Actually, a Chip That Big Will Have to Come Off Your Shoulder and Go Through the X-Ray. [read post]
30 Jul 2008, 11:48 pm
Eugene Volokh. [read post]