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29 Sep 2007, 1:41 am
Would it make a difference if you could start a hike by simply hiking across the fields near your house, rather than having to drive to a park or nature preserve many miles away? [read post]
26 Aug 2011, 12:38 am by Idaho State Police
HittOn Thursday, August 25, 2011 at approximately 9:23 pm, the Idaho State Police investigated a crash that occurred on northbound US Highway 93 at mile post 53 in Jerome, ID. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 3:16 am by Javier Muñoz
Cuando miles de pequeños inversores adquirieron de buena fe acciones de Bankia en su salida a bolsa de julio de 2011, animados por la potente campaña publicitaria y por las promesas de revalorización que les hacía muchas veces el director de la sucursal de confianza, no sabían que estaban siendo protagonistas – y víctimas – de un fraude a escala masiva. [read post]
19 Jul 2007, 6:25 am
(Doubt the officer anticipated that correction.)For a copy of the Appellate Division's decision, please use this link: Matter of Duffy v. [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 6:42 pm
(iii) A conviction for driving any vehicle more than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, if you are driving at a speed higher than 55mph. [read post]
4 Nov 2015, 3:58 pm by Matthew Sanders
Thesing and published by the American Bar Association’s Section of Environment, Energy and Resources, Sanders and Thesing discuss the Ninth Circuit’s recent decision in Building Industry Association of the Bay Area v. [read post]
28 Jan 2015, 9:56 am by Steve Baird
Freddy’s) that there are some areas of geographic overlap too, although I haven’t studied the maps closely enough to determine how many miles separate the actual locations within a particular state. [read post]
19 Apr 2008, 9:39 pm
For some comic relief, read Obsidian Wings' parody.Update, April 20, 2008As reported by the Washington Post:[I]n Crown Point, [Indiana,] a town 25 miles from Gary, the New York senator downed a shot of Crown Royal whiskey, had a beer and chomped down a slice of cheese pizza, as her aides rushed to fill her request for another slice, with pepperoni. [read post]