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27 Feb 2012, 11:02 am
Alegou que, em conformidade com previsão do artigo 102, inciso I, letra “n”, da Constituição Federal (CF), o caso seria da competência originária da Suprema Corte, uma vez que estaria envolvido o interesse de todos os membros da magistratura na causa. [read post]
8 Sep 2007, 10:57 pm
The sacramental incompleteness of these celebrations should above all inspire the whole community to pray with greater fervour that the Lord will send labourers into his harvest (cf. [read post]
3 Jan 2010, 9:29 pm
I've read a few of what to be "economics" novels that strike me as just dreadful (but cf. link). [read post]
6 Feb 2014, 12:00 pm by Ray Forbess
Officer Kazon Was Previously Arrested for Sex Crimes in 1988 Officer Kazon, per records at the Duval County Clerk of Circuit Court, in case 1988-CF-008810, was arrested on two counts of Sexual Battery, both first degree felonies at the time in 1988. [read post]
22 Jun 2010, 2:59 am
  This means that genetic contamination from GMOs can still be considered harm under the law, both from an environmental and economic perspective, another huge victory for CFS. [read post]