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13 Sep 2023, 5:56 am by R. Scott Adams
Around the same time, Brown University released a study titled “Then We Lost Everything: Afghan Evacuee Experiences of Operation Allies Refuge and Operation Allies Welcome. [read post]
7 Sep 2022, 5:23 am by Eugene Volokh
Because state laws regularly and lawfully impose extraterritorial costs, and because a literal application of the dicta from Healy and Brown-Forman might invalidate wide swaths of standard conflict-of-laws decisionmaking, judges and commentators have searched for a narrower principle to explain the extraterritoriality cases. [read post]
1 May 2014, 5:00 am by JB
  In Volume III, Brown still reflects New Deal themes of activist government, but it is no longer merely an application of New Deal commitments. [read post]
14 Dec 2011, 2:21 am by Daniel West, Olswang LLP
The appeal was heard and shall be considered by a five justice panel of Lords Phillips, Walker, Brown, Mance and Wilson. [read post]
29 Apr 2015, 11:38 am by Matt Kaiser
Brown, Eleventh Circuit: Appellant, an inmate, brought a civil rights suit under 42 U.S.C. [read post]
13 Mar 2011, 1:41 pm by Blog Editorial
This week there are three linked appeals to be heard in the Supreme Court from Monday 14 March to Thursday 17 March 2011 by Lords Phillips, Hope and Rodger, Lady Hale and Lords Clarke, Brown and Dyson: R (Cart) v The Upper Tribunal; Eba  v Advocate General for Scotland (Scotland); and R (MR (Pakistan)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department. [read post]
25 May 2009, 2:59 pm
., Catherine Sun and Yan Zhao, 'China's HighestCourt Opinion Addresses Impact Of The International Financial CrisisOn Intellectual Property', April 24, 2009 []Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer- Carnabuci, Connie and Richard Bird, 'Major changes in the thirdrevision to the PRC Patent Law', February 13, 2009 []- Carnabuci, Connie and Richard Bird, 'Trade Descriptions (Amendment)Ordinance 2008, Hong Kong', February 10, 2009… [read post]
5 Oct 2018, 12:50 pm by Monica Williamson
Blackfeet Tribe In House Staff Attorney, Browning, MT. [read post]
28 Jul 2023, 11:39 am by Nicholas Totin
The rate of admission for legacy applicants is more than three times higher than for non-legacy applicants. [read post]
9 Oct 2017, 9:06 am by Garrett Hinck
Proficiency with technology tools and applications including MS Office. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 8:11 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  Red/pink & blue are the most popular color combinations, followed by brown and white, then gray/silver & black, then violet/purple & green. [read post]
22 Feb 2009, 4:25 pm
No. 1-08-11, 2008-Ohio-5198 (ex post facto, retroactivity, double jeopardy, right to contract, history & purpose of juvenile court system) In re: Objection to Reclassification for Brown, 3rd Dist. [read post]
10 Oct 2023, 8:28 pm by Joseph L. Hyde
 Addressing the issue left unresolved in Brown, the Court said, “one cannot engage in nonconsensual sexual contact with another person without the application of some ‘force,’ however slight. [read post]
29 Jun 2023, 9:31 am by Amy Howe
A benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former group at the expense of the latter. [read post]
25 Jun 2014, 2:00 pm by Maureen Johnston
At its Conference on June 26, 2014, the Court will consider petitions seeking review of issues such as the constitutionality of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard under the Dormant Commerce Clause, the application of the “mass action” provision of the Class Action Fairness Act, the First Amendment rights of broadcasters, and establishing a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to a public trial. [read post]