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16 Jun 2023, 2:00 am
Ben Depoorter (University of California), Stephan Tontrup (New York University), Aspirational Laws in Action: A Field Experiment (2023): This article examines aspirational laws in a randomized field experiment. [read post]
16 Apr 2008, 10:15 am
Grant Griffiths, Ben Stevens, Victor Medina and I have completed the second MILO (Macs In Law Office) podcast discussing Macs in the law office. [read post]
16 Jan 2007, 4:59 pm
Ben Barros [Comments are held for approval, so there will... [read post]
8 Sep 2006, 7:51 am
For an excellent commentary entitled Moving beyond secret prisons by my law school classmate Ben Davis, click here. [read post]
25 Jan 2017, 2:34 pm
John McClellan and Ben Alder, advisers at SVN| Miller Commercial Real Estate, represented the company in the disposition of the 740-acre property in Showell, Bishopville and one parcel in Delaware. [read post]
10 Sep 2007, 1:14 pm
Max Hall's success and Ben Olson's struggles during the weekend's BYU-UCLA prompted discussion of the age old question of whether going on a mission hurts or helps the development of Mormon athletes. [read post]
10 Dec 2009, 8:34 am
Ben Barros points us from Property Prof Blog to an article by Christopher Beam in Slate's "Explainer" feature titled Stopping by Woods: Tiger Woods' car crash caused $200 worth of damage to a tree. [read post]
6 Jan 2009, 7:04 pm
"The First Amendment and the Law of 'Skank'": Ben Sheffner has this post today at his interesting and new "Copyrights & Campaigns" blog. [read post]
26 Mar 2008, 9:56 am
Members of the FOMC for 2008 Ben S. [read post]
17 Dec 2015, 12:16 am
The Fordham Law News just published a conversation among four torts professors: Ben Zipursky, Howard Erichson, Michael Martin, and Jed Shugerman. [read post]
11 Feb 2021, 1:44 pm
With Rachel Bovard, Josh Hammer, Emily Jashinsky, and Ben Weingarten. [read post]
27 May 2015, 12:15 am
WND op-ed: Dishonesty and Cowardice in High Places, by Ben Carson: I have heard many people say that the level of dishonesty and corruption in our society is no worse today than it has been in the past. [read post]
25 Apr 2010, 3:08 pm
Omri Ben-Shahar (left) & Carl E. [read post]
26 Jun 2012, 11:46 am
[JH: Also, a related post by Ben Sachs (Harvard) can be found here.] [read post]
27 Sep 2011, 1:18 pm
Ben Powell (Suffolk) explores the top three myths about immigration. [read post]
2 Dec 2009, 7:13 pm
Ben Barros has a great post on the Property Prof... [read post]
28 Oct 2014, 12:48 pm
Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin said Tuesday the $238,000 grant from the U.S. [read post]
12 Jun 2008, 10:16 am
Daniel Sokol Ben Kleinman offers Luxury Markets, Antitrust, and Intellectual Property: An Introduction. [read post]
3 Aug 2008, 4:55 pm
Student Scholarship Ben Ikuta (second), Why Binomial Distributions Do Not Work... [read post]
2 Oct 2009, 10:38 am
Guest Blogger: Jon May, Chair, White Collar Crime Section, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Panelists: Jane Moscowitz, Martin Pinales Over the last ten years, and particularly as a result of the indictment of prominent Miami Attorney Ben Kuehne, criminal... [read post]