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13 Jun 2008, 1:10 am
Alexander Robinson, and Dale Carpenter. [read post]
15 Dec 2009, 5:02 pm by Michael Ginsborg
In fact, I’m elated.12/15/09 Volokh Conspiracy, by law professor Dale Carpenter: Opponents have a few options at this point, but none of them seem likely to work in the near term ... [read post]
18 Jun 2020, 6:38 am by Linda McClain
I am grateful to contributors Aziza Ahmed, Dale Carpenter, Imer Flores, Cathleen Kaveny, Randall Kennedy, and Andrew Koppelman for their insightful and instructive comments. [read post]
7 Jul 2015, 1:46 pm by Matthew R. Arnold, Esq.
  After winning the race from the pole, Dale Earnhardt Jr. was too worried about the wreck to enjoy the victory. [read post]
20 Jul 2022, 12:59 pm by Ilya Somin
See also co-blogger Dale Carpenter's analysis of that issue. [read post]
2 Aug 2015, 7:30 am by The Public Employment Law Press
By Newman FerraraLLP.Last Updated: July 31, 2015 - Rank this Week: 8 Volokh Conspiracy [Feed] By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.Last Updated: July 31, 2015 - Rank this Week: 9[Feed] Covers the… [read post]
13 May 2014, 5:30 am by Kori Shafer-Stack
  Dale Richards (Grove City, Franklin County) pleaded guilty March 12 to workers comp fraud, a fifth-degree felony, for working while receiving workplace injury benefits. [read post]
31 Oct 2017, 4:20 am by Edith Roberts
At The Washington Post’s Volokh Conspiracy blog, Dale Carpenter summarizes an amicus brief he filed last week in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. [read post]
3 May 2007, 3:06 pm
As it happens, when I worked at the Department of Justice back in 2000, several of my OLC colleagues and I -- including my current colleague Vicki Jackson and Professor Gia Lee (UCLA Law) -- helped to draft this version of the proposed section 249 crimes (the 2000 version and the 2007 version are materially indistinguishable); and, more importantly, we in OLC were principally responsible for DOJ's constitutional defense of the bill, which can be found in a DOJ Letter at pages 16-23 of this… [read post]
17 Apr 2008, 12:12 am
For example, if someone believes they talk to an imaginary friend who's a carpenter from 2,000 years ago, and says that friend forbids teaching young girls about contraception and disallows abortion, should every member of their church have their kids seized when a teenager becomes pregnant? [read post]
16 Apr 2015, 8:38 am by Embajador Microjuris al Día
“Los bufetes están tratando de reclutar nuevo talento de las mejores escuelas de derecho y una abrumadora mayoría de estos quiere trabajar en un ambiente de respeto y diversidad”, expresó Dale Carpenter, profesor de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Minnesota. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 7:13 am by Joshua Matz
”  Striking a different note, Dale Carpenter of the Volokh Conspiracy argues that “a loss in the Supreme Court could be much more narrow,” leaving open “other, more completely theorized, arguments for same-sex marriage”; Ilya Somin disagrees, contending that “[i]f the Supreme Court embraces Reinhardt’s reasoning, a state that enacts a civil union law would have to embrace gay marriage as well. [read post]
31 Dec 2009, 3:14 pm by John Culhane
It also generated a post by Dale Carpenter (on the Volokh Conspiracy) analyzing my core proposal. [read post]
21 May 2009, 1:37 pm
  I can see the arguments on both sides -- and I can also see the practical point, made by Dale Carpenter, that most gay people would simply not want a personal service from someone who objected on moral grounds to providing it to them. [read post]
30 Aug 2007, 10:03 pm
" If they want to arrest, sentence, and bring him up on Ethics charges on that basis, I'm cool with it.And Dale Carpenter has good analysis at the Volokh Conspiracy. [read post]
26 Nov 2021, 10:53 am by Ilya Somin
Among my other favorite books by VC authors are Randy Barnett's Restoring the Lost Constitution, David Bernstein's Rehabilitating Lochner, Dale Carpenter, Flagrant Conduct: The Story of Lawrence v. [read post]
6 Nov 2008, 2:50 am
  Dale Carpenter is probably right that there won't be same-sex marriage in California for at least a decade. [read post]
7 Mar 2013, 7:15 am by Cormac Early
Again at the Volokh Conspiracy, Nick Rosencranz responds to arguments in the amicus brief filed by Dale Carpenter and others in United States v. [read post]